PvP Rating Adjustments

see that guy complaining about disc not having a stun in every thread knows the forum meta.

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One day TuckyB will get his disc priest stun.

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Unlikely. He got perma’d today.

How do you know?

He posted it on Discord. He’s probably making another account though as we speak. I think he’s on like #7 or something.

Actually nvm.

In game. Account closed.

The pic I saw he went 4-2 and was the highest person in the match. Probably not gonna get a lot of points. He’s 91 points above the average in the match mmr wise.

The pally that went 5-1 in that match got 60 points.

There were two, one of them was on twitter i think it is the one you are talking about. And yeah not getting a lot of points is fine, but he lost points instead. I’m mostly just asking questions here, like what I am confused about is how shuffle has nobody above 2400 at all but has higher participation than everything but blitz, yet everything but shuffle is above 2400, 3s being just about 2700. Its not like blitz only took away from shuffle either, definitely took some people from 3s too if I take their word for it. Is there a reason that would be the case for just shuffle specifically aside from lack of participation which doesn’t seem to be happening at least as far as Drustvar stats go?

My guess, and this is only a guess is there’s not a lot of people queung in upper brackets at any one point in time right now. Just like rbg teams in past seasons would farm lesser teams for a couple points a game.
I don’t know exactly how points work in shuffle but I would imagine if you’re 90 points above the average in the lobby you’d have to 6-0 to get anything.

Could be the case, though games seem to be popping pretty fast even at the highest end. It’s hard to tell I guess but it could be right. Also they did post a screenshot of going 6-0 a couple weeks ago and got nothing at 2200 mmr, but idk. Not quite sure what the issue is but they probably need to do a little something about whatever is happening

I wish drustvar would give more options for their statistics. Like rating breakdowns of games played in a given time and if they could do games played per account.

Checkpvp does a given time I think, not super specific but you can do 3h/12hr/24hr and that one shows 39k total games for shuffle (it said 235k for shuffle but i imagine that includes rounds so it would be 39k if we count just 1 game), 21k for 3s and 12k for 2s over the last 24hrs.

for EU its further apart. 3s is 22k, 2s is 13k and shuffle is 46k.

Yeah but I mean i wish they’d break that down even further so we could see if it’s a lot of high mmr games or not. Drustvar shows in the last 3 hours the lobby’s played are pretty even between 2s 3s and shuffle. Over the past few days though shuffle has way more.

Yeah i usually look at a 24hr time frame if possible since that gives people time to actually get on, lot of people play at night. Seratox said he puts more faith in checkpvp so I threw those numbers out there too and it also shows a pretty big variance between 2s/3s and shuffle which I posted above. How would 3s even get ahead of shuffle in mmr if theres way less games being played all throughout the bracket? More games being played at higher mmr would make sense, but 3s blew past shuffle mmr because it seems people just cannot climb in shuffle despite playing more games? You’d think if more games were originally happening in shuffle at the higher end the mmr would be climbing too, at least wouldnt be this far behind 3s I would think.

Could be the way it’s coded? In 3s it’s win or lose but in shuffle there’s win, mostly win, tie, mostly lose and lose.

Not arguing in either way, but that post is from DF S3 where the participation was drastically lower.

We need to bring more attention to healer MMR. It’s significantly easier for DPS to climb to high ratings than healer. Why not allow healers to attain the same ratings as DPS? The highest rated healers are 100+ rating below the highest DPS.

why does it matter? healers can be matched into Any group of dps mmr. it’s healer vs other healer, not healer vs dps vs dps vs dps vs dps vs healer

Literally the two extremes of BG blitz. Some people queue up and get fed rating, some people get unlucky and get stacked with 7 NPCs and go on a tank fest. I’ve had both happen to me. It’s fascinating.