PvP Rating Adjustments

Top end of 2s like 2300

Top end of 3s like 2500

Shuffle around 2300

That really isn’t horribly out of line in an environment where everybody is playing the new mode.

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What’s going on here? This thread is almost a year old.

Wailing from the shuffle pits.

Is what it is i guess. I agree that it should just feel similar to any other bracket. im genuinely curious as to why its so far disconnected from the others. havent seen a compelling explanation yet.

It really isn’t, though.

the original guy that necro’d it baited all of us and now its turned into a chat room.


Man these freakin necros are insane.

What kind of person thinks its better to dig up a year old thread rather start a new post.

I mean, if people want rating just play BGB lol. It’s literally the freest of CR and it’s fun.

Idk man i made a post about deleting seething shores back in like 2021, and youd be amazing at how many times it popped back up.

I still think it should be deleted though. azerite is like 60 ilvl now. nobody even wants it.

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The SLS2 store mount does go hard!

The top end of 3s is almost 2700, 2s is 2400, RBGs are 2400, and blitz (which is an outlier to be fair, obviously shouldn’t be this high) is 2900. Shuffle is the only bracket to not have anyone reach over 2400 despite having more participation than the first 3 brackets I listed there while they are all over or at 2400. Also think about how long those brackets have been at 2400 (both rbgs and 2s have been at 2400 for 2 weeks or so now, for 3s its been longer) and somehow this one bracket is the only one that hasn’t had anyone hit that yet.

I want to make it clear to you the only reason I care about this is because I think its obvious there is something going on and I want to know what it is. If participation isn’t actually the reason then what is it? I will always get my rewards, that is not on my mind at all right now and I haven’t mentioned it in any post I’ve made about this because it doesn’t matter I will get them regardless. Progression is what feels good though, and I think it seems quite bad that multi r1 awc players are 2200 in this bracket right now despite trying to push and queues being active. They are the ones complaining about this more than anyone else. I haven’t heard any good arguments for why this is happening if it isn’t due to participation, just a lot of deflection.

Also, yeah I do think the seasons where people pushed super high changed peoples perspective like you’ve said before. Not sure if thats a good or bad thing but it definitely happened, doesn’t help that the first season of this expac is exactly like that again just in blitz instead.

i lost 20 games in a row on bg blitz today lol. and thats not a lie or joke or exaggeration.

every single game was a game where we didnt get time warp or lust

every single game was their team doing objectives and my team fighting mid

every single game was them doing double our damage

this was the most unluckiest day of my life.

oh and this happened after i DC and lost 200 rating also

That’s because there’s like a soft cap on shuffle MMR and participation is a bit down due to BGB.

Dang :frowning:

My lithium battery almost killed me, so same. I was in a BGB when there was a loud boom inside my laptop. It was a very scary moment.

It wouldn’t be so bad if wins gave more than +20.

Its worse on EU

2s: 2447 / 8625 games - .28 ratio
3s: 2668 / 8118 games - .32 ratio
SS: 2393 / 15,116 lobby - .15 ratio
Rbg: 2500 / 336 games - 7.4 ratio
BGB: 3208 / 3044 games - 1.05 ratio

So shuffle is getting a top rating to rounds played ratio of nearly half that of 2s and 3s. How is this explained?

Obviously RBG and blitz are calculated very differently in CR vs games played than the 3 arena brackets.

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Dam this hurts just reading it. I got to 1800+ and quit bgb. Back to random, is just too frustrating and obviously we are not getting matched properly. I’m just done with it for now, I did it as an enh shaman and it was the worse exp I’ve ever had in this game.

Whats crazy is the guy at 2393 just played a lobby and won 5-1, gained 0 cr and lost mmr despite playing against other dps at 2300 mmr lol. If winning games while being 8 or so cr away from 2400 isn’t getting that person to 2400, how exactly are the top players supposed to progress? There is nothing more to do at that point. This is what will actually cause a loss of participation.

And yeah its hard to compare the arena brackets to blitz/rbg, but in terms of participation shuffle does not seem dead at all. Thats what I’ve heard 2 people repeat on these forums, but nothing that we are actually able to look at is backing that up so I’m still confused. I have not heard any arguments aside from “lol u want to add 10000 mmr to shuffle so bads can get rewards easy” and “its deflated because shuffle is dead”, the first thing is irrelevant and the second thing seems to be wrong. 3s has much lower participation, so how is that any further ahead let alone by almost 400 cr if there is nothing going on with shuffle mmr? Same for 2s. Either theres something I’m not understanding or there is something wrong with shuffle mmr

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That sounds extremely discouraging

Truth, fatback.


They’re probably going to buff it soon. You’re not wrong for complaining tho because if you don’t complain nothing will get changed.

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