Pvp que times 45 minutes + (UNPLAYABLE)

PVP que times are getting very long. How is blizzard planning to fix this ?

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Obviously they need to force alliance to queue. You can’t earn rep/XP / gold unless you queue for your daily quota of BGs so horde stops complaining.

Actually its is just straight incompetence on the part of blizzard.

When you que as a 5 man group, your que is under 10 mins.

When you que with less than 5 people, the que will frankly never pop.

Is it that hard to treat solo or small groups different than they treat 5 man parties ?

If you are forced to join a 5 man party to get a reasonable que time, this clearly points to a problem that is easily fixed by blizzard.


It is, but some may not like the solution.
They need to un-separate the ques.

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They already did, by “fixing” premades for solo q players. This is the outcome

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No it’s not.

It’s the outcome of having no long term vision.

You just need to stack solo players in the queue has they come and not throw a group of 5 before them. If I queue before a group of 5 even solo I should get in first.

Just that and it’s fixed.


Yes, it is. I’ve already been over this back in p2 and why this happens.

What does this even mean? This isn’t some complicated thing, all they did was throw in the WOTLK bg q, it’s nothing advanced

Under what premise do you feel solo q players are entitled to be “first in line”? That’s not how the algorithm works. It works by attempting to eliminate the size of the q pool as fast as possible. Groups are getting in quickly because they are the largest batch in the pool. The system simply prioritizes shrinking the net number in the pool. They do this by filling lobbies of 10 or 15 and that’s very easy and quick to do with blocks of 5 players being spammed

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What is hard about grouping for a bg…in an MMO…

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Well, a lot apparently. So much so that they demanded blizzard butcher their qs for the allusion of a better “system”

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The only winning move is not to play.


They just need to give us mixed BGs

Yep easy fix. Just mixed Bgs and everything is good.

Do it.

Band aid fixes to compound problems: a SoD story


that’s the best part - they are not.


Alliance faction is not locked like Horde. You are always welcome to 20 sec - 1 min ques.

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Nerf shamans and perhaps alliance will want to play BG’s. Why the hell do most casuals want to get darn near 1 shot by lava burst + clightning combo? Enjoy the overpowered shamans and watch your queue time sky rocket.


It’ll be even worse in P4 at 60 tbh. Because Alliance will have no reason to queue for anything aside from Alterac Valley, so AB and WSG will pretty much never pop for Horde.

The solution is probably just to add a Mercenary Mode that lets Horde join the Alliance’s queue at the cost of having to go up against fellow Horde players as temporary ‘Alliance’.

You guys will then get the same tradeoff we have now, which is instant queues in exchange for having to face off against multiple of SoD’s hero class, the Shaman every match.

But hey, if enough Horde Shamans joined a theoretical Mercenary Mode, then both sides would have them! Balance at long last.


Honestly it was pretty crazy yesterday lmao. Funny story about that.

I did 6 ABs in total to try and get some early honor grinding down. First four ABs were losses but close enough to get about 1200 honor each, so that was nice.

Fifth AB, the match started with 9 players on Alliance side and 15 players on Horde side and remained that way for the first few minutes of the game. Taking advantage of this (as they should to be fair) Horde proceeded to five cap and graveyard camp us until they won.

Sixth AB, I found myself joining an Alliance premade of some indeterminate amount of players (somewhere between 5-14 players presumably, since I got into it solo) and they were all there for the express purpose of getting the AB five cap quest done for their AB tabards. They were very well coordinated at first, with lots of them probably in a discord or something.

In the end, they managed to get 4 bases at once… and then the Horde’s hero class The Shaman made it impossible for them to get the fifth, forcing even a coordinated Alliance Premade group to settle for holding three bases for the rest of the game.

But hey! We won that sixth AB! How exciting!

I stopped after that lmao, figured it was best to end on a high note, and I realized that AV spam in just a couple days at 60 is going to be ten times as fast in the end.

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I have been rank7 since the start of P3 and already had my reps done so I didnt do many bgs. Until now. OMG it is 100% not fun at all to get stomped by shamans every single match.

Balance shamans and maybe I would queue up.

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Yep same. Got WSG and AB to Exalted in Phase 2. Got Rank 7 the first lockout of Phase 3.

Going to probably get Rank 10 from just doing AV for a few weeks tbh. Absolutely zero reason for Alliance to queue into AB or WSG when the Horde Only Class is so strong.

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