Pvp que times 45 minutes + (UNPLAYABLE)

Coming from a paladin that is RICHHHHHH.

keep caping.

Hilarious based and true. If only blizzard just gave each faction each class from the jump. I know people are pissy about the idea but some of the biggest detractors are streamers who straight up DONT EVEN play the game. So many people who DONT PLAY the game have an opinion about why this would be a bad idea. The reality is, shamans and paladin fill different roles in PvP, and having access to a bursty ranged purge class that can off heal is infinitely better than a budget warrior with no mortal strike.

Sorry paladins .

All of these MASSIVE NERFS shamans got do not matter. Play ele, you ran burn for the flameshock spread and bonus fs damage. You get earth shield and shamanistic rage now so free healing and even more free push pack protection. And now you have an AoE root totem.

nah man, ele been straight up ruining BGs since the burn rune buff and hasn’t stopped. people don’t wanna queue into this bs, I’ve been saying it since like late April-early May. before that enhancement ruined all of p2, people are sick of having to fight shamans without having them on their team

Why would the alliance queue for bgs?
Half the group is under-geared.
The other half will cuss you out if you try to organize and insult you.
You will have 1 healer.

this is all also true lmao

add shamans mopping up your team into this, and 2-3 people sitting AFK at stables immediately after being humiliated at the failed blacksmith push. I quit queueing and started pvping on the forums instead

Change that “will” to a “might” and its 100% accurate.

It doesn’t help that they also gave shamans half our our toolkit. Makes it harder to accept that the two classes are supposed to be fulfilling different roles when they basically give shamans reflavored paladin abilities all throughout SoD.

But you’re one hundred percent right on the comparison. Feels like Shaman does almost everything Paladin does but better, and then some on top of that for good measure. In exchange, Paladin gets bubble and stun and that’s about it iirc.

I agree the queues are long and annoying but it’s forcing me to be more social (i.e. group) when pvping lol. Also it will get a lot better with ph4 release, particularly AV.

Decoy Totem we needed… melee gets on us and we’re as good as dead. What they didnt need was to bake in a mini-grounding totem effect on it.

Burn SP was needed… what, wasnt needed was the spread part of FS on it.

Totemic Projection is just fun. =)

Just log into the game. Que some ABs and stop telling that bs. Any melee, that runs into shaman standing in his boomie/sp/other ele caster group, gets deleted in 1,5-2 seconds.

The only spec that NEEDS decoy is enchancement.

yeah, because BGs is everything… there is no action outside of bgs. /smh

PS. I was queuen up AB’s… getting some honor. Though I took a break to play some Last Epoch. =P

It’s their way of insisting that you play in a pre-made. They did a pretend to fix a while back because everybody was annoyed with how pre-mades would face every pug. Instead of just making pugs only face other pugs, they made it where order to avoid a 45min to 2-hour queue, and get instant queues, you have to be in a pre-made.

They will not do anything about this until it affects the Alliance in some way. Same with retail, they did not add the mercenary system until the alliance queue times started to go up due to severe faction imbalance with the human racial and faction transfers. And then it took them another 2 years to fix racials in pvp lmao.

Aggrend’s “vision” is that everyone wants to play in a pre-made. Since nobody actually wants to play in a pre-made other than people who want to steamroll pugs, and he refuses to accept that, he created this system where you are punished in queue times for not playing in a pre-made.

Honestly, the previous system was better.

I’d rather lose quickly to pre-made after pre-made than sit there for 2 hours not doing anything.

Let pugs play each other.

Pre-mades do not have a right to pugs. If not being able to steamroll pugs results in nobody playing as a premade, then that’s just how it is. You don’t throw one segment of your playing population under the bus to engineer another. Aggrend needs to get over this.

The problem with your theory is that my solo queues on Alliance are about 10 seconds long.

It really is just the fact that there are too many Horde queueing and not enough Alliance. Yes the current system prioritizes groups to get as many people in games as fast as possible, but the real issue is the lopsided populations of PvPers created by some serious pvp faction imbalance stretching all the way back to P2 and only getting worse in P3 and now P4.

Alliance are being disincentivized to queue en masse and once we have access to AV, it’s only going to get worse for Horde players who want to do WSG or AB. As in, those BGs will pretty much never pop anymore for Horde (solo or group) once Alliance are all funneled into AV.

Hope Hordies got their WSG/AB rep done back in P2 like most of us did.

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Just wait till we have to find 40 alliance to queue into :grimacing: its going to get worse before it gets better

That’s not a problem with a theory. If both sides had equal numbers queuing, premades would still get in instantly while solo queuers waited. Right now the faction numbers are so lopsided that the alliance doesn’t have to deal with this design problem.

I’m not suggesting there shouldn’t be a wait because of lopsided faction numbers. I’m saying that the wait should be equally shared between solo queuers and premades. Instead, premades bypass everybody and get right in – which in and of itself exacerbates the queue time for solo queuers even more.

And this is to engineering a playstyle that people don’t want, but is simply Aggrend’s idea on how things should be.

And I’m betting this algorithm bleeds through to classic era too. Which means if they ever do a fresh, it’s going to be a big problem.

can you really blame people for not wanting to PVP in sod?

Its not fun getting 2 shot trying to get to the shaman to take them out. I que’d into several BG’s this week and some groups had more than 7 shamans for AB. LOL.

Blizz should give Horde mercenary mode so they can one shot each other with whole teams of shamans.