I am looking to come back to WoW Classic for WoTLK and would like to get a Tier List for both PvP and PvE.
What are going to be the best DPS / Tanks / Healers?
Thank you.
I am looking to come back to WoW Classic for WoTLK and would like to get a Tier List for both PvP and PvE.
What are going to be the best DPS / Tanks / Healers?
Thank you.
There are a ton on youtube. ScotteJaye has a good one, so does Rugs (Rugs does a lot of in depth videos like that). I recommend looking them up and watching their vids.
For DPS, depends on the phase. Rogues are generally at the top, feral druids, warriors, warlocks, fire mages etc. Tanks there are prot pallies…then everything else. Healers is holy pally > disc priest > resto shaman > holy priest > resto druid i think.
It changes on each tier and a lot of what people are going to remember/comment on balance-wise is ICC, which is not going to happen until the end of Wrath so prolly just play what you enjoy playing
That being said, you usually can’t go wrong with mages
There are comprehensive lists for each tier on YouTube though, but for DPS they move all over the place
Keep in mind that tier lists are not entirely accurate. It’s not unlikely that we’ll get to Wrath live and realize we were largely wrong, especially private server metas. Warriors/Rogues were seen as dead weight in TBC, but they pretty quickly (in T5 at least) became insanely good DPS, especially on boss DPS. So we were wrong there.
Enhancement is also up in the air. We know it doesn’t scale that well, but we also don’t know if the Spellhance playstyle will be a thing - mixing spell power in to make your shocks, bolts/chain lightning, and fire nova hit a lot harder scales better - as it has only been tested on private servers for the last number of years. Preg Ret is also another playstyle that may not come to fruition even in the final season.
First and foremost, play what you enjoy.
Balance Druids are considered to be one of the best AoE classes and their damage is a lot better than it is in TBC because of their talent changes.
Affliction Warlocks and Fire Mages are most likely going to be the best caster DPS
Resto Druid is the easiest healing spec to play with Paladin being the best and I also heard that Disc Priest is pretty fun to play.
Best tanks are pretty much just Deathknight and Paladin with Druid being a good OT.
Probably missing/forgot something but I think this is pretty much the jist of it.
dps: whatever you like playing should be valid endgame with wrath bis list (except or frost and arms etc but with dual spec should have 1 valid dps spec).
tanks: paladin>dk/druid, warrior not seen as valid.
healers: the demand for heals is always such that you need not worry.
I can’t give you a tier list but I know for a fact priests and shamans, dps spec or heals, are very solid in arena.
Look up Scottie J He’s a really Yeah good for that stuff hes has a guide for just about every single class inspect except for mage and/or mage and DK.
But he has that tear list already But if we’re talking tanks and healers well it’s actually pretty easy technically it’s death night,Paladin, And Warrior druid Now don’t get me wrong You can take anything technically with any tank they will all do the job however.
Death night and palatin just have a lot more utility End damage But you don’t have to use them to take end game raids If there isn’t such a discrepancy between classes as there is in TBC and classic Everybody can hold a aoe thert just fine.
Um healers I know less about but to my understanding overall It goes holy paladen ,Resto druid, Discipline priest, Holy praised, And restoration shaman.
That’s to my understanding how the order goes that is for pve However my understanding is it’s not that different In PVP Yeah restoration shaman is a little bit better because they haven’t added CC but for the most part the orders the same.
But honestly I would just Google wrath tear list
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