PvP Pet Battle Group Brackets - Please Remove

The Pet Battling/Capture system is a great addition ever since it was introduced and I continue to enjoy it! I only have one issue and that’s with PvP Pet Battling content. This issue is a hidden “bracket” feature that was added I believe in MoP or WoD. A little run down of the bracket feature:

Person A and Person B and Person C are all on the same server and all queue for a Pet Battle. Person A and Person C will face each other numerous times, but person B will never face Person A or Person C because they are in a different bracket for PvP related pet battling.

This is something I’ve tested out with people on my server a while back and have talked to other Pet enthusiasts about. I also found an article a while back that discussed the change. However having people in these “Hidden” brackets has done nothing but ruin the PvP Pet Battle Scene. Some brackets are way more active than others and those that are less active will have difficulty completing Pet PvP related achievements and the occasional quest when Pet Battle week pops up.

Also the change made in 8.1 that would pair new players with other new players made the queues even worse.

Please fix PvP Pet Battling by removing the hidden brackets and just allow us to be queued against anyone within a region.

Edit to add links to previous threads in regards to battlegroups and complaints on sites like warcraft pets:

Pet battle groups

Is there a way to change battle groups?

PvP Pet Battling Questions

Pvp pet battles