PvP pet battle, bug or exploit?

I was in a pvp match just now and i don’t know what was going on, bug or exploit.

female panda using resilient roach, cockroach, and dust bunny.

first cast was apocalypse, i replied. somehow 14 rounds were skipped w/o me being able to do anything and my pet died. same thing happened to my next 2 pets. pet #2 had 6 rounds skipped then the next apocalypse was cast, i replied and another 5 rounds skipped letting sandstorm drop off. skips continued until the apocalypse landed again. repeated for the 3rd pet.

the skips kept rolling in my pet battle combat log without any of my pets’ abilities being usable . ??? 58 rounds total. the specific number of round skips (for 20 round CD of ability) before the next apocalypse was cast make me more suspicious as the player didn’t even need to switch to the other pet to use it again.

I don’t know how i would even report this to blizzard if it is an exploit.

There has been a bug mentioned in other threads that sound a bit like what you encountered. With the turn skipping, or opposing pet passing, etc. It sounds a bit like your opponent was possibly exploiting this bug. You could use the report feature to let Blizz know what happened and when, but without knowing your opponents name or anything about them I’m not sure what could be done. The anonymity designed to prevent hostility between players works to the advantage of the offender in a case like this.


There was a bug report posted a week ago on what’s happening here. Great explanation from Bamboody about what is happening. Means whoever you’re fighting is making the right moves for it to work, so is obvious exploit.

(Pet Battle Turn Skipping Bug)

No surprise, hasn’t been fixed yet.