PvP Pauls?

I can tell from some of your post that you just like to make things up. Victim mentality. You should try to not have that.

Ahh here we go

There’s verifiable evidence of it, pretty easy to google for it ‘1 post’ player.

You sure have some quality in your only 2 forum posts! (Not)

As it turns out you’re the same person (Unholyhealer/MD) that name changed to avoid peoples ignores. Wild! Such a valuable player.

You’re just a idiot troll.

I have no problem with it. The outrage is stupid but blizz did it to themselves. They created this environment by catering to the body type nonsense crowd.

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Sorry remi I take the non-sarcastic components of my post back :face_in_clouds:

People just want to be offended, I guess.

Let be honest here. Every ret paladin is a pvp paul.

well PvP gear is the best it has ever been, so yeah I don’t care about that tweet, but he is right PvP balance is a joke, and the sad part is that the only thing that is gona fix PvP balance is RITO’s mmo =S ggs Guys we had a good one

They were?

I think people were less offended by the joke, and more offended by the timing honestly.

Why is the character cross-eyed? Is that supposed to be some sort of ableist insult circa 2005?

i think because they were goin for a ret pally vibe

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If people actually hate this game so much that a small tweet and meme about GEARING which was pretty funny makes them go on a crazy rant, why do they still play it. This season has actually been like almost perfect gearing and next patch will be PERFECT due to how crafting works.

The only thing that I would be a little bit upset about was the state of rets but they even said the first season is probs gonna be a little bit sketchy because they are redesigning a heap of classes for pve. This season was amazing 10.5, almost perfect and a lot of the problems that were in 10.5 are getting fixed in 10.1.

Most of the people who were commenting on this stuff were litterally just pvers feeling sorry for pvps they got memed on, wtf is wrong with people.

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If we still had to RNG our gear i’d be salty… but given that’s not the case, no one should care.

With the inclusion of a 50% nerf to set bonuses and the fact we can craft ANY stat we want at 450 it is probably bar far the best gearing we have EVER had in the game in its entire existence.

I cant wait till they uncap conquest and I can run like a haste/mastery boomy and aff lock.

They can make fun of whatever they want if they make a quality game.
Only communication I bother reading from Blizzard is patch notes for class balance.

I laugh at those who get so upset when someone says anything “bad” about Blizzard. Telling people to quit or wondering “why are you playing, then?” sabotages any attempts to improve the game or keep players.

Guess what? People did quit. I’m pretty sure Blizzard doesn’t appreciate your “help” when you say counterproductive things like that.

How have you been enjoying the fixed gearing of DF?

Kind of nice and relaxed after BFA-SL, I think.

Because a bunch of whiny crybabies made a big stink over it. Just because the PR of a large company was pressured into removing a thing doesn’t mean that thing was bad, they tend to err on the side of caution.

It was just a joke. It wasn’t even like taking shots at the community, it was literally just a light hearted meme. People are way too sensitive over nothing these days.

Dunno how many of y’all played back in the day but man the blues used to get in the forums and joke around and banter with the community, was great. Nowadays someone would get butthurt and have them fired for a perceived slight.