PvP Pauls?

I didn’t know you guys had it so rough that even Blizz makes fun of you…


Trying to be outraged…yeah can’t do it. :yawning_face:


PVP Paul is a compliment.

We don’t have to grind stupid PVE systems and dailys to upgrade our gear.

Now off with yee go kill some critters, do some m+ and quests so u arent doing half the DPS of the next guy cus u didnt do chores


I don’t PvP really so it’s the 1st time i heard the term.

Why is it a compliment?

I like killing anything really… so i wouldn’t call stuff like that chores.

Bc us cross eyed pvp noobs don’t have to participate in all sorts of torghast chores, zereth mortis stuff, raiding, m+ if we choose not too. I’m happy to sit here in all my ELITE Gladiator gear that all I had to do was kill other ppl over and over to do.

As for them and the new systems? LOOKS FINE TO ME

Also thats fine and its optional. The majority of us wish to be left out of that. I don’t wanna do half the DPS of some guy my class in arena because I didn’t run around killing critters and doing daily quests and instanced stuff for legendaries and ilvl or have to buy tokens or farm gold or do tradeskills for the gold to get said stuff. Or worse being time-gated chores

You see where this is going.

You wanna see REAL outrage? Go dig through arena forums in SL era. That was outrage. Drag us out of arena/elwynn/durotar to go to that crap OH HECK NO


I meant literally the Paul part… where’d that come from, never heard until this vid randomly popped so was curious. lol

Some stupid new term someone at Blizz came up with? Could care less personally. So its fine by me and I speak for entire forum here that none of us care they think of us that way and make a reference to us in their new gear upgrading video. As long as were left out of said upgrading system and w.e new silly crap they came up with.

Now you make us go do it?

You’ll have outrage then

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Yeah… the PvP system is nice like it is now.

I don’t really like the new m+ where there are tiers of stuff you can upgrade from.
So if you’re unlucky in getting the 17+m dungeons to drop the items you need… you can’t farm it at a lower lvl and then upg it to max.

I dig it. Paul was the name of my barber that I went to as a kid until a young adult in NJ. Gave an awesome cut and told great stories. HATED his wife though. Was always the first thing he said to me.

Me - “Hi Paul!”
Paul - “Hey Jimmy”
Me - “How are you?”
Paul - “Well, I still hate my wife”


the octopus that predicted the world cup winners. :joy:


Look at this. Paul’s stock is going up. I’m not mad, I’m flattered.

Wonder if Paul ever left his wife though?

Edit - I wonder if Paul the Octopus could’ve predicted a separation? Man, I’m going down a rabbit hole.

Level 10s and their consequences, etc.

Paul was also a name used by gangsters from Chicago if i remember right from some movies.

At least i don’t die a lot…

I’ve never actually seen South Park.

Neither did i… i just know the memes. xD

There was outrage in SL because people were playing the game. The formula is simple: no matter the state of the game, if people are playing pvp, they are whining. Just the nature of competitive multiplayer game.

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I think they just wanted to make up a new meme, just like classic andy or mythic milhouse.


I never heard this one b4… must not have caught on.

I just invented it :sweat_smile:


Maybe it’s a compliment, because Paul’s Boutique is the best Beastie Boys album.

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