PvP Pauls?

Tbh, maybe PvP Paul should be my nickname instead of fox. It’s my IRL name lol.


It’s a shame they deleted that banger of a tweet.

It wasn’t even like mean spirited or anything, was just a little meme. People need thicker skin.


I don’t understand this though, so are the WoW devs purposefully saying they don’t care about the PvP community on twitter?

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It was a meme. A joke. :dracthyr_love_animated:


The dev team is a meme

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Actions speak louder than words. The tweets aren’t relevant in my book. They’ve communicated worse statements non-verbally.

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I think a lot of people interpreted it as this. It’s kind of an awkward issue where plenty of people found the joke funny (and others still were indifferent toward it), but because people are unhappy that PvP often gets minimal communication and dev time/new stuff/etc compared to the rest of the game, they weren’t very thrilled with just being part of a joke in a video and not getting anything else.

The social team obviously doesn’t develop pvp so I personally had no issue with the joke.

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I found the tweet funny. The blizzard clip is about gear but people took it out of context. It is because pvp is often neglected. We all know how bad pvp is. The maps are not balanced especially the epic ones like IOC, WG, AV. Lots of afkers, botters and exploiters. People flying around, people being immune to dmg, pve buffs appearing in pvp and more. People have to learn addons and even basic programming just to get an advantage in arena.


I thought it was just a blue guy with a funny face.

Did anyone else think of the end of a Jimmy Neutron ep where that 3 eyed monkey would pop up and go, “Hi, I’m Paul!”

it goes over a lot of peoples head that this isn’t the content for our game mode

i wouldn’t be surprised if there were devs that felt that way as well

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People say that all the time, but if it was why delete it? But then they keep taking pot shots over and over while it not actually being funny, like apparently when they added the AI Brawl that’s notorious for being a free win they went “you’re welcome, Alliance.” and they have a trend of hiring people that like to do things like that and apparently call people that play Alliance slurs.

Argentina so mad they wanted to kill the octopus LMAO


This was such a nothing tweet and a nothing comment I am shocked they deleted it or that there was backlash.

the employee was threatened with a deduction of their food court burrito funds for posting it. tough times

“alliance slurs” okay man you need to go outside

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Probably (hopefully) only time I will feel the need to play devil’s advocate for them, but I’m guessing this might have something to do with the corpsegrinder BlizzCon thing from… checks notes

over a decade ago

ok bye again :running_man:

Self sabotage. It’s the (Blizzard) Way.

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Oh no bros! The twitter users(lowest common denominators of society) are laughing at us… its owari da…

Sorry reading my post is giving you trouble, I understand you main melee.

Yeah, Blizzard has hired people that liked to target Alliance and call them slurs.