PvP participation

How do we increase PvP participation? Feels like it’s at an all time low.


i said it before, i’ll say it again


But you gotta reach 1800 on every class and do it in every rating bracket.


I’m not sure there’s a way to meaningfully increase participation that doesn’t involve drastic measures that they’ll never do.

Pvp is just too hard/punishing for people who aren’t die-hard fans who’ve been playing forever. And the 20 different ways the playerbase has been divided doesn’t help either.

Better class balancing, and imo a faster meta with clear win conditions, would go a long way for current players to q up more often though.


I have vague ideas that might help.

  1. A more robust UI for arena. Trying to find and learn addons to use to track cooldowns/DR feels like a big barrier to entry.

  2. Having #1 would help a lot with people learning other classes, which is another big hurdle. Outside of addons I have to go outside the game to look at what cooldowns other classes have or create a char for said class (as far as I know).

  3. This one I’m not sure about, but it feels like balancing needs more attention. I know pvp is a small part of wow so i understand it taking a backburner to new content, raid tuning, mythic tuning etc.


removing dampening and precog then balancing around that would be a good start

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New CEOs who spend less time trying to figure out how to milk us for our money and provide a quality product.


i dont think even a lamp genie could make this happen

Sheepstealer i love you

Question too loaded. You could start by changing the most popular modes (rss and blitz) so they are not as punishing and have a better progression curve.

So long as Professional players are holding Premades for RMT money farming players at low ratings working for shady website, it runs off the player base.

Players are going on 10 plus game losing streaks, whats the point of even playing. OHHH if they spend all their free time working hard they might get one win this weekend lol.

ALL Stick, NO carrot… You can thank the Boosters raking in the cash.

You tell em beadie

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Ensure every season inflates to 3400 in a timely manner and make PvP gear bis for PvE.

People may not like either of these solutions for various reasons but that wasn’t the question.

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But that would hurt egos


You balance the game and make it fun to play again.

WoW is an old game with a lot of players who are attached to their accounts, those players will never leave and will be milked for their money time and time again.

A lot of features in WoW are broken and they cant fix something basic like “Auto Loot”.

It is too far gone


(post deleted by author)

Start a wall of shame for banned boosters/hackers.
Start punishing exploits with bans.
Literally just do anything to save it from the current RMT fest it is.

In terms of balance- 10/20/30 second immunity to hard CC beyond 4 seconds and grips, no more DR. Slows normalized in pvp to 25% max values. Shared internal cooldowns on escape abilities and immunities. Balance healing to always be “dampened” to an acceptable amount like all games do.
The game once had balance when the “e-sport” was arena. It’s possible to do. Just not as easy as mythic.

I think it would be cool and maybe help if there were more intermediate seasonal meta goals. Like on top of the existing achievements for ratings/wins in the various brackets, have something similar to keystone master where you get a lesser cosmetic reward or title for reaching challenger 2 or rival one in all of the game modes. Put some kind of incentive to not just play one of them.


Percentage based titles and weekly pvp balance patches.

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