PvP participation

Make PvP relevant for the general WoW playerbase again, like it was in SL. If that means people buy boosts to get their weapons or whatever, so be it.

WoW PvP for the sake of it was never going to work. Too may chores and whatnot in a MMORPG, just play any MOBA instead if you want a team RTS pvp game.

WoW PvP works when it is integrated in the rest of the game.

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yeah - its so bloody noticeable i don’t even feel like queuing anymore.

what’s the point playing if you didn’t have a chance from the start? such a waste of time.

not fun.

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Balance the game correctly.

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I quit before precog was a thing and just came back for tww where precog is a thing but ive been seeing a lot of people say it should be removed.

why is it a bad thing?

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Im a longggggggg time player and i already unsubbed. I bought the epic edition for TWW too but it already feels dead. Im spending 70% of my time in queues. It really isnt fun.

6 to 9 minute bg queues, skirmishes even are taking 3 to 4 minutes.

Blitz 30+. Ss 15 to 20.

Arenas are instant for 2s but its god awful.

There’s really no reason to login atm

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well as a hunter I have very limited comps I can run with and do well, also it’s always the same metas at the top, the rewards for it aren’t worth the hassle, getting a pvp mount is impossible for me so what’s the point, my time is better invested somewhere more productive and fun.

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That would be the best start!!!

Mythic raid guilds that the Devs play in to compete in world first tournaments, where they all give one another rewards, then they must Nerf bosses a dozen times so the actual player base can do the content, yeah all tha crap needs to go.

Mythic+ Designed for professional players who rely on addons, that needs to go.

PvP designed for pro esports players yet its not a real esport, yeah that needs to go also lol.

A game that requires Youtubers, and websites to break down new content just so players can understand it, needs to go, along with all the website crap logging and simming your dps crap…

NEW gamers are not going to sign up for a game with 40 keybinds of game bloat, 20 mandatory addons, and months of hard work just to play the game at a basic functional level… No one wants to be a newb after 6 months lol.

Hardcore people do not want the game to change, if it stays the same it dies, enjoy the decline. If it radically changes it brings in NEW players and survives. No amount of ““GET GUD”” is going to have gamers signing up. We pay way too much money for this crap, it needs to change. And it is crap, its a portajohn in the summer sun lol.

OH and one last, a company that treats its Devs better, from all the leaks about the work climate, even state federal investigations, word is Blizzard is a not happy work environment… Record profits while laying people off, brain drain loss of talent fleeing that place.


Encourage and help people improve and celebrate successes! Normalizing asking for help so people can feel like it’s okay to not know something and try to get better.


blink blink

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It’d be better to balance the game around not having it, homogenization of classes and band-aid fixes doesn’t feel good