PVP on alts is like bashing head against concrete wall

Honestly it’s not bad at all gearing Alts I. Battlegrounds. I have 5alts all between 200-215 ilvl. I don’t raid and I do mythic plus on my pve mage.

Isnt it crazy how nonstop BGs from 51-59 feel awesome, but as soon as you hit 60 its complete crap?

Gear power is the only way they can think of to gatekeep PvE content so the templates are completely out of whack. I’m all for gear offering a significant edge, but a fresh 60 vs. a geared 60 should not be so different from a 51 vs a 59.


They could honestly just scale all gear in unrated pvp to the 197 ilevel equivalent item.

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That’s why my alts will be retired when they get to the last bubble at 59. Then I move on to another alt. I would turn off XP, but that only puts me in a Twink que that never pops, so each alt must be retired before they hit 60.

When I run out of alts, I’ll make more and level them slowly. FAR better than 60s BGs.


It really is a blast and I love running into the same people again. The balance is great and the matches are more often than not super close. Its a shame that its a completely different game after 60.

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This and they need to balance the effect of stats on gameplay across all classes. Why is it that SV hunters feel great 51-59, but at 60 the vers and haste on gear isnt enough to keep up with whatever other classes or even hunter specs have going on? The feeling that classes and specs are completely imbalanced doesnt really set in until 60 and higher ilevels.

Granted, part of that is SVs design flaws, but the major difference between the 50 bracket and the 60 bracket is gear. Gear is screwing up the game. I’m a huge fan of gear and the feeling of power progression, but the endgame gear is not tuned well. It progresses too quickly and benefits a number of “meta” specs much more than the unfavored others

This doesn’t have to do with stats at all. This is due to our conduits and covenant abilities not being as strong. In addition we don’t have any crit bonuses like many other classes and since crit damage is 2x again once you start fighting players with legendaries that give 100% and 50% crit in addition to fighting more meta classes with Crit bonuses such as mage. Basically the stats arent the problem for survival.

Maybe conduits, but covenant abilities feel relatively “balanced” in the 59 bracket. It’s not until you get to the 60 bracket and the ilevel differences really start to compound and the haste and vers doesnt have enough of an effect to make mongoose viable.

And at that, in the 59 bracket you can play almost any spec in any class and it feels good and balanced. You can choose the covenant you want. Use the ability you like and it generally feels good enough. Once the endgame gear (and admittedly conduits) gets involved it all goes to crap.

And I like gear progression. I really do. It feels great to get an upgrade. The crates you get rewarded in BGs seem perfect. I dont know why it goes off the rails in the endgame.

Hopefully WoD gearing:

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I strongly agree with this. If you put aside the 60 scumbags doing party sync when you get actually 51-59 people the bg’s are way more fun. It’s crazy how things change.


I dont even mind the person who hit 60 before her husband (like my wife) its just the people who want to steamroll other people who are the problem- all gladiator or raid geared.

I don’t know what annoys me more? Ion’s stupid name or the stupid #@$ that comes out when he opens his mouth.


I just looked up “twink” on a whim and found all of this crying, it’s great.

Lol I’d rather do the covenant quest chains to get 197 gear than bgs at this point. Why would I que for horde wins 90% of the time grounds

Unfortunately the PvE gear is not good enough in PvP. Good or bad, versatility is the new resilience. ( I personally think it’s good). The good thing is, if you level your character in BGs almost exclusively from 50 to 60 you should have enough honor to get the full set, and even upgrade it a few times. My wife and I were renown level 12 as soon as we hit 60 so I think you can rank it up to 4th rank pretty quickly. The bad thing is, if you do that on your first character you still have to complete the main story to pick a covenant and start ranking up your gear. They should offer honor gear on a small drop chance for warmode on questing IMO.

I felt that way when I was playing in covenant PvE gear too. In 50-59 bracket it’s about 50/50. In the endgame you might be contributing to the loss rate in PvE gear.

Bump Bump in the night goes the thread

Yea, the gearing issue sucks in SL. I had more fun in BFA with the way they handled the gearing.

BfA and now Shadowlands were too propped up by borrowed powers. Legendaries, azerite traits, corruptions, essences, soulbinds, covenants. Too much artificial bullsh!t, class design should be fun and engaging baseline.


It might seem great because all of the players are trash lol

They messed it all up by allowing the gear to intermingle between pvp and pve. Should have made versatillity pvp only.