PvP on a PvP server

WoWs wpvp is pretty much a joke. Its for people who cant hack it in real pvp games.

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That’s a great point. Over time, I think servers would start to grow more balanced and generally less popular, but an artificial barrier could still be problematic in that way. Do you see any way around that problem? Does the server have any live data on the population inside instances, so those players count against a faction’s limit, as this is a world PvP problem? Maybe increase the limit to a 2:1 ratio instead of 1.5:1 as 60/40 is, though that degree of imbalance still seems problematic?

More casual tears. Nothing to see here.

Horde on Stalagg is the most casual of casual. People who suck at PvP so much, they shiver at the thought of transferring to any balanced server. Accuse them of their obvious cowardice, and they’ll throw ridiculous excuses and insults at you.

We won the war on Stalagg. At launch we had a balanced server and the alliance started dropping like flys and then server transfers destroyed them completely. I walk my server like a conquering hero, can you say the same casual?

Yea it is, they knew what they signed up for.

Well Blizzard Balance would be nice. :smirk:

I play on Bleeding Hollow (Horde Dominated) but I main Alliance, if I had known about checking faction ratios prior to making my character, then I would’ve instantly chosen a different server. The only thing me and my friends can do is PvE, and even then all the world bosses are engulfed in a sea of orange name plates.

Wrong forums.