PvP needs a dev

You post the same nonsense you’ve posted on the million different druids you’ve posted on over the years, it’s not hard to figure out who you are.

I only solo queue, so not sure where you’re going with that one. Also, there aren’t too many badly geared alts running around right now, which you’d know if you actually PvPed.

I don’t post on alts, unlike some people with 10,000 druids that they switch and pretend to be new people on.

agree completely

We know the game isn’t pvp focused. Doesn’t mean pvp should die, needs to have improvements.


Zero proof to this and if anything loosing the players that cost them the most in server hosting saves them money.

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I was doing some bgs and i havent pvp in like 5 years, and this fire mage full healed like 3 times then ice blocked then healed again, then ice wall and ran away , lol ?

Apologies for responding but I think it would be good to do both to keep posts like this alive and active. Show that we won’t be silenced just because they threw some hastily compiled Class buffs and nerfs together. I’ve just organized this post PvP Issues Megathread- All Issues Organized, Community Council and Blizzard Aid Requested highlighting all the issues with PvP currently and would appreciate support from anyone passionate about getting PvP in this game back on track for the future.

I hope Riot’s MMO destroys WOW PVP. Love to see Riot run over Blizzard in every single game they make at this point Blizzard don’t deserve the sub they only get it because arena addict.

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Find a pvp centric game, pvp has and always will be a side game here.

You and the other couple hundred people who play arena, yeah.

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They gonna cut raiding cause less people do that? Silly.

I wasn’t aware that they cut pvp.

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i disagree, PVP is the end game. eventually the PVE game gets boring, you realize you have seen this boss mechanic before, you play with less and less boss addons and eventually you just don’t feel like raiding. at this point you either take the plunge into PVP or quit the game.


bump for my dragon. A FISSST BUMP AYOO

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You might disagree but that doesn’t mean you aren’t the minority.


Pvp needs Jesus.


The PvP changes only highlight that we need a dev.

It’s great to have them.

But they are super out of touch and just don’t hit the proper points

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LOL it does. true statement. happens my intials are jc but ya that aint me

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Agreed. It’s obvious they don’t have a team let a lone a single dedicated individual, looks like they had the Mythic+ team throw numbers at the wall in the dark.

Most likely they have one and they have declined to put their name out there publicly, because of what happened to aforementioned PVP dev.

Could give some opinions what you’d like to see?

You don’t have one because they keep quitting and going into protective custody.

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