Pvp is trash idk what the point of playing anymore

Its not even like they needed the damage. They should be asking for more survivability.

Give em deterrence with the spell reflect based. That’s so much fun.

Before the Kill Shot extreme buffs Hunter was very much a counter to Mage in range, but as a Mage we had a chance if we got to blink into dead zone. Now there is no chance. you cant dead zone Hunters as Mage. And even though a class is a counter does not mean it is acceptable to be able to click one ability 3 times standing still and demolish that class.

ya i mean i honestly feel bad for mages but i dont know that anyone would be ready for them if they gained another 1-2k + hp and diddnt die when you looked at them.

if youre gonna give hunters an instant big damage ability like that , at least nerf it so it does like 40% less damage or something above like 30% hp or something.

honestly i wouldnt even give them the defensive with the damage they do, they have plenty of ways to make and keep distance to pull of the absolute crap ton of damage they do in pvp.

Not true at all. 90% of Premades I fought just stacked wars shamans and priests.

When you see a sunfire dot tick any one for 1500+ you let me know. Also I guess death grip is a useless ability along with being the most annoying class to have training you in the game.

Yeah it got to me cause I think they are solid. No where did I ever say they were OP… They have glaring weaknesses like how quickly they go oom and not having sanctified seals but whatever think what you want.

How is a fap gonna help me free cast into a rogue that can teleport on top of me? Did you not even read what I said? You want hard casting to be better than insta casts when you cannot get away from melee well enough to stand still and free cast… DO faps stop interrupts? maybe you are confusing it with a lip.

That is not the truth. You need a global and a crit to set it up and there are multiple ways to stop it from happening. You just pretend that a boomkin can just sit there spamming stafire for 5k damage at all times. It isn’t how it works sorry bud.

That is literally how PvP works. In every version of the game… Have you ever done an arena in your life?

Yeah you need to blink ontop of the hunter to set up your damage. If you had water ele this wouldn’t need to happen… But they decided not to give you water ele sorry bud ya lose. Yeah kill shot is strong vs mages and quishy targets… So nerf it’s damage vs clothies and make it worthless vs other classes. sure bud.

Yeah and I’ll crit a mage for 3k+ and crit a shaman for 1200. Hunter counters mage sucks for mage. I am sure all the melee classes stuck in frozen orb feel the same way.

Most of what I have said is objective… I have legit been advocating for classes in bad spots and made suggestions for abilities they need to succeed. All you care about is nerfing hunter and boomkin like everyone else on here. I am far more objective than you.

SO the hunter is standing still to get auto shots and also within range to land a trap? Where are you standing and what are you doing? You know you can stop traps and rapid fire from being cast with silence right?


Gskherald you need to chill bro. you are insane with the wall of texts you bring on here

It’s not about Mage mate. We are in a much better spot than before. I have a rank13 Hunter myself and Chimera Shot has now become a filler ability between your Kill Shots. A legic Execute ability being spammed on targets 100% and below from 41 yards. It is insane the damage you do against Priests, Rogues and Mages. It’s an Execute ability that should only be used below 20%. Chimera Shot already does alot of damage

It is not a wall of text. Everything is broken up to address each question individually… It’s not my fault I have to respond to 30 different things at once. It’s a forum people write and read stuff on here. I thought you loved to read? What happened?

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You have to address everything that is spoken about in the forums that you disagree or agree with and I’m telling you, chill out.

Not true I address people responding to me.

You don’t tell me when to chill. I chill you!

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My point made

C’mon man… so you are ok with spell hitting for 3k+? /smh The sad part is hunters do not need that. Ask for more survivability.

Hey Aggrendminus - how hard is ur spellfrost hitting for?


Hits between 1100-1200 and crits between 2200-2400 in BG’s

Yeah I am. I’d rather buff weaker classes than nerf stronger classes.

Why are you spreading inaccurate misinformation? The only thing that seem to be broken is the way you react to these classes in world pvp. There are guides on how to play your class. Read them?

GSkherald is right, again, at this point :mirror: :poop::index_pointing_at_the_viewer: are just spewing inaccurate information when you say warriors are “hardly valulable”. In original vanilla, warriors are useless bythemselves, but pair them up with a Hpally or a healer in BGS, and it is very obvious they are going to be dominating the DPS meters and the scoreboard in any PVP encounter

:mirror: :clown_face::index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

False and inaccurate. I think you don’t even play SOD.

You are being so toxic at this point, and I am glad no one will take your trolling seriously.

Cough blind
Cough rocket helm

See what I did there? And the list is non-exhaustive. L2P.

:mirror: :clown_face::index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

It is the truth :mirror: :clown_face::index_pointing_at_the_viewer: should not spread inaccurate information just because you lack the skill or the gear for counterplay. Again, are you really claiming a BIS mage POM Pyro initial hardcast +insta does less burst damage than starfire? :mirror: :clown_face::index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

Had disagree. If your opponent so much as one shots you you are doing something wrong. Either you are:

A) In the wrong gear
B) Not paying attention in open world ready to pop defensive CDs
C) Do not know how to maneuver burst with your class

And to be fair, in vanilla 2005, if you got caught in a rogue’s stunlock in the open world without consumes and being prepared, you are almost guranteed to die.

You are also forgetting that in order for these so called killshots, starfall and backstab to chain and insta-kill an enemy is that all the stars must align for it to crit, and in full stam gear they are certainly not going to be able to 2 shot you.

SOD is a dumbed-down care bear version of burst compared to original vanilla, and you want to go ahead and nerf burst more? I do not want fun to be sucked out of the game I play so no ty.

I’m sorry but he is entitled to his own opinion, as much as you are entitled to your… in my opinion wild, and inaccurate claims on world pvp and certain classes.


Can you list everyone’s defensive CDs. Just curious to see what you think they are.

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This is the most nonsensical illogical comment I have seen so far. Just because a player is bad dosen’t make other classes OP.

Imagine complaining about a class who suffers from Hybrid tax OP.

You posts and commentary come across as extremely cringe, and does not reflect well on your mental well-being.

As others have rightfully pointed out, stop painting inaccurate fantasies and demonizing other classes because you lack the skill to properly play.

The same goes for you. Your name is extremely disrespectful to someone who has poured in a lot of love to the wishes of the community.

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The premades I ran or was part of were limited hard to melee, due to the obvious drawbacks and favored ranged hard.
You would be lucky to get into a premade as a melee unless you were a feral to ask.

And there’s where you aren’t honest. How do you stop an instant cast from even happening? You would have to preemptively CC the Boomie from range against a 36y caster and eat Starfall instead because if you had any second CC it will be trinketed.

More likely to be biased as a FoTSeason slave so far.

again. the ability to defeat an opponent so quick that they have little to no chance to counter has nothing to do in this game.

No one cares about the premades you ran. All I fought was war/shaman/priest premades, they would have a rogue or 2 for capping bases and had some ranged. Never did I ever care about the boomkins/hunters. Could kill them easily. Try killing shams and wars with disc priests spamming bubbles into them.

What am I not honest about? You need to starsurge first and get a crit to get a 1 sec buffed starfire. Go starfire someone without the starsurge buff it does nothing. You gonna tell me a mounted warrior cannot get into charge/grip range before a boomkin can cast a starfire after a starsurge?

Yeah I totally didn’t main hunter in normal vanilla. And I totally didn’t start out as hunter in sod and have played it since the beginning. I rerolled after I found out BUMs were gonna cry on the forums because of killshot back in November of 2023…

Mages ice lance critting for near 3k, spamming instant cast. Pretty nuts