Pvp is so fun

Damn I miss the days of blood DK being able to tank the entire other team on the flag cap spot in wsg

That doesn’t sound like a oneshot js lol. :upside_down_face:

Dont worry…they made blood dk worthless as well LOL

Yeah I do.

I’m not. Keep blaming class balance because you can’t break 1600.

Not sorry but someone that’s as bad at PvP as you are isn’t going to teach me anything.

oh, i’m sure no one can teach you anything…
that’s evident in your thinking, as exposed
by your commentary.
you should get that looked at.

Not what I said. I specifically stated YOU can’t teach me anything because you don’t PvP or have any clue what you’re talking about

Just like it’s evident you can’t read or have any idea what you’re talking about.

The irony lol

Gents, manhood weeps when you back and forth like this.

dk should never get one shot by any caster, its the anti-caster class. i will say tho, frost and dk overall isnt in the best place this season, but by no means is it getting oneshot.

dks suffer against physical dam, i can see a MM hunter/sub/ww/dh/war blasting you on a go if you dont overcommit defensive CDs, and then winning the next set up. but caster should never one shot you.

This is why I prefer the esoteric rPVP in DAoC… game maybe dated but it has better pvp and better game mechanics when it comes to fighting in general…