Pvp is so fun

So glad yall are nerfing FDK next patch…its not enough im getting one shot at 639 ilivl with 25% verse in every match by virtually every other class - keep up the great work on not balancing the game


Gotta use defensive my guy!


just popped amz ams and ibf and lock still oneshotted me in three seconds lol game is trash now- worst ive ever seen it since i started in legion

i did 500k dps on burst and neither the priest or lock in 2v2 took any dmg before i died. every match is like this…pvp is a joke


Bro, that’s crazy! I’m sorry. I don’t PVP so… yeah. Have a good day and a happy new year bro.


You probably ate an entire PI+burst combo to the face while just standing there.

Skill issue.


PvP is about CC and trading defensives efficiently. The fact you brought up your DPS proves you have no idea what you’re doing.


Is 500k DPS burst good or bad in PVP?
Also, what class was your partner going up against the priest/lock in that 2v2?

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OP: Lets warlock nonstop free cast on him

OP: Wow Blizzard makes a bad game


It’s funny when people that haven’t queued since lock buffs are saying skill issue.

Lock has freecast buttons and defensives so OP they can withstand full burst rotations (Dark pact)


In Pvp I’ve always just walked away from frost DK’s it’s not like they put out enough damage to hurt anyone. lol

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what a nice person…may you live to be a thousand years old


You have a 100% win rate et you are getting one shotted? Really no need to stretch the truth here.

nah fam . gripped twice abommed…chased down…blinded…aspyxed…doesnt matter interrupted nonstop…lol a joke - and i bring up my dps because it should at least DO SOMETHING…but no matter how i stagger windows on the enemy team nothing registers…fdk is bad plain and simple and blizz is nerfing even more

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That 1100 bracket sure is rough.

Stop blowing all your defensives in the opener.


I’ve never been 1 shot by any class ever since the expansion came out

Sounds like frost is just inferior to unholy.

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It’s a pebcak issue tbh

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If you keep your health above 0% you won’t die


im not lol i been in pvp since legion…and was 2k back then…this is the worst ive ever seen

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You’re best arena achievement is 1550 and you hit 1800 in RBGs once.

Yiu do realize we can see this information on check PvP right?

You’re not even decent at PvP.


what makes you think it was on this account doofus lol. Also every arena skirmish im put in alone…this game cant even put you in fair matches. been about 20 matches today where im put alone vs 2 or 3 players…Just got put in one with 3 players on other team and me alone lol - TRASH

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