Pvp is so fun

Because that’s always an excuse bad players use “it’s on my other account.”

Even then 2k is LOL laughable.

It’s skirmishes. You can’t base a specs viability off of a lopsided skirmish rofl

Yes you are.


you playe ez mode chicken sht hunter bro…zero skill required…laughable

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I love actual PvP. WoW does not have actual PvP. OW2 and Marvel Rivals ftw.


Thank god Shadowy Duel is getting removed.

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How long was this burst window? Because I think I can do that in…one Aimed Shot? Usually a lot more than that.

I’m no savant at PvP, far from it, but that seems very low if that’s burst damage.

I’m still learning on how to better myself–I play on controller so had to learn that first–and over time I feel like I’ve improved. I stopped pushing Solo this season because those queue times are murder, especially when someone denies the queue when it finally pops.

Think that may be a big part of it.

Or you can keep thinking things like this and continue questioning why you’re losing in PvP. Either or.

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I have
2300+ exp on rogue
2200+ exp on DK
2k+ exp on ret warrior and priest
1800 + exp on hunter mage lock Druid

You’re just bad.


Is it really?

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As someone that used to main rogue I absolutely hated shadowy duel

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ur just carried

I’m not carried at all rofl.

My warrior in greens/crafted gear/heroic tier is higher rated in less games in shuffle.

If you cannot hit 1800 in shuffle in full conquest gear it’s 100% you.

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You’re doing something wrong.
On my lock DKs are almost unkillable. Between all the CC and cast times, once I actually get damage off, it’s absorbed my AMS.

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What did it do?

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Basically it teleported you and the target to the shadow realm for like ten seconds I think.

Basically you would Block heals are the ability to spam a flag.

Say a rogue/mage got a warrior to 30% and the healer is coming out of the last polymorph. The rogue can then shadowy duel the warrior and finish the warrior off or even duel the healer and let the mage finish the warrior off.

It was a high risk high reward ability but I always felt it was clunky.

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Shadowy Duel was always problematic and hard to balance.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


wow pvp is not balanced, and it never will be.
they’ll always have their preferred classes and specs.
the good news is, they rotate them. so next patch
or the one after that, you’ll find yourself on top


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It’s not a class issue. It’s the OP isn’t good issue.

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i was saying that they always have preferred classes
and specs…
but they do rotate them.
it’s a class and spec issue to that extent.

Every class is viable to high end.

The OPs issues are 100% a them issue.