PVP is officially dead

PvP is not dead. It’s actually at its best it’s been since MoP. Right now since it’s so early in the xpac certain classes will be OP. They don’t need to nerf the strong classes like, hunter/rogue/monk/Druid/priest…they just need to buff the underperforming classes. Pikaboo/savix/venruki and many more will tell you the same thing. Tanks don’t belong in PvP, because you’ve seen a tank die in stun lock doesn’t mean PvP is dead.

So, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Good to know.

I’m actually interested in your opinion do you think a team running a sub rog over another dps class has any advantage currently? While you have given some good advice and harped that good players tend to beat bad players i notice you have not actually weighed in on if you think they are currently over tuned or not. As a shaman would you rather have a sub rogue or warriors havoc dh dk etc on your team? Not only do I seem to have issue with them when they appear on my team i win almost every time ><. While i admit to not being a beacon of wow knowledge it seems fairly obvious based on my experience they are a cut above the rest as it sits?

Tanks are fine in PvP; trying to turn them into pseudo-DPS while still retaining all their defensive capabilities isn’t fine.

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So your example of rogues not killing you and you just need to hit buttons bro are the 2 most disruptive classes to rogue openers? Okay there bud. Arms can bladestorm the opener if timed and parry does wonders again melee dps, ret can bop you, sac you, bubble himself and off heal, rogue opens ret you just intervene him. You couldn’t have picked a worse example if you tried…try an enh sham who cannot wall in stuns and whose wall doesn’t parry every attack after it’s pressed. in the global of trinket cheap to wall your already 40% pressing the wall your at 20%, can’t heal without procs so you hit him for some well to bad you died already.

I get that your exp with rogues has been fair, but recognize your bias about it just by playing what you play.

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Exactly, they can’t react cause of being stun locked.

Rogues one shotting tanks shouldn’t be a thing

All the time? Lol dude if you’re queing into a rogue who vanishs after you stop their first go you gotta be playing into like 1500 teams… Thats not how actual pvp is played.

Considering I’m saving my honor to instantly upgrade all my gear, as well as my conquest gear, why would I waste a bunch of honor on a pvp trinket when I could buy one for 800 gold in Org?

I am done talking to you because you have no idea what you are talking about or are just trolling.

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Tanks shouldn’t be a thing in PvP scenarios outside of FC’ing in RBGs or being a nuisance in WPvP.

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Ah yes, ANOTHER “we are TWO weeks in, out of a 2 year expansion, and I’m giving my garbage hot take opinions.”

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Absolutely, sub is definitely a crazy good spec rn, I just want a fast meta. There are tons of other specs that can absolutely delete people right now.

People deserve to lose if they don’t properly react to offensive CDs. Games should not last 15 mins.

I suspect I play at a much higher level than you. I suspect I do know what I’m talking about considering I’ve been Qing with two 2600 players the last week or so and we have no struggled dying to rogues because we know how to react to and stop rogue burst

In 2s at the start your teammate is pretty much always sapped though.

Should name it world of rougecraft then
Cause we can’t even play anything else

I’ve played Hunter in PvP since Cataclysm. This statement is extremely inaccurate.

To be fair these threads started well before Shadowlands released. People trying to get the jump on things before they happened is all.

Now that were two weeks into the new expansion players are foaming at the mouth to get things changed in favor of what they perceive to be how things should be.

No real thought goes into any of these posts outside of “Nerf this class because”, no actual feedback given on how changes could effect the class going forward.

I died in pvp, it sucked, please fix.

Also, everyone Knows Blizzard Developer track record when it comes to balancing pvp in their own game. If this were a rollercoaster ride we would be in for one hell of a ride.

Plus I hate rollercoaster rides.

At iLvL 179, I was doing a world quest and a ret pally decided to try to kill me. Well, most of the time I win in solo 1 v 1 world PVP as a guardian druid or even in maw the other day I had a 6 v 1 where I managed to kill a hunter before they killed me.

Anyway, this ret pally was on his way to death, and I had around 50% health, I had a heal to heal my self to near full, but I decided to focus on killing (rather than self heals) because he was almost dead. Then out of nowhere BAM the pally one-shots the rest of my health, at least 21k in a single hit, and kills me, I believe I also had some active mitigation rolling, so I am not sure what he did because I didn’t bother to look at the recap. But ya, that did feel broken. I haven’t bothered to try to BG yet, so the game might actually be somewhat broken for tank PVP (in a bad way).

Playing a monk?

Trinket para, trinket sweep, trinket port, trinket grapple weapon.

So ur saying you can beat a rouge atm?

lol ok bro keep dreaming huntlard

I’ve noticed the only ones defending sub and MM are wellx usually sub and MM…

Thankfully I’m playing a priest and can pain suppression stuns but that wouldn’t work as I’d just get blinded and chain ccd after and most teammates would die by then.