PVP is officially dead

mythic raiding feedback is garbage to. look at the game it’s pretty obvious. when the so called good players give feedback that makes everyone even close to being viable i’ll pay attention to it. class stacking to clear mythic or get good pvp ratings is garbage, sit here and act like there’s no problems okay.

I killed a feral last night in a BfA capped 50 bg last night who was spamming his covenant ability. Or does that bracket no longer exist? Legion-capped 110 players in BfA weren’t able to access BfA content to get access to BfA gear, which would be high ilvl azerite gear and neck. Toward the middle of BfA, any gear those players managed to get through exploits was disabled in Legion-capped PvP. Essences and corruption were disabled in party sync.

But now anything and everything goes in level 50 bracket? Anyway, feral wasn’t hard to kill, and I don’t have great gear.

Kid, my little forum avatar alone is proof that I have higher rating than you.

Chill out, Combatant Karen.


Feel like all of the classes is pretty strong. Most players screaming for nerfs just want the game to go back to deep dampening LoS pillar humping comps.


There is always a patch and its obvious which classes/ abilities are on the chopping block don’t worry its early days enjoy the chaos.

What reaction besides blowing your trinket can keep you from dying in a cheap shot?

You have to trinket it which is annoying as they can just blind/sap you but that’s just the best option anyways currently.

Ima be honest, I think all full-control-loss effects should DR together, especially in a meta as fast as this one.

Sap Stun Fear Poly Disorient Banish–all of em.


lol pvp is not why they removed cool and niche abilities. Most pvpers, and really most players for that matter, have hated their pruning since it started in WOD.

They pruned non-PVP abilities like mind soothe and eyes of the beast to make this game simpler to encourage new players and sub growth. They cited “ability bloat” back in MOP for the pruning. It has nothing to do with PVP.

Have your teammates peel for you? Stun/disarm/incap/any cc and its easy.

Also, if a rogue opens you and is blowing his CDs… why are you not trinketing?


Oh yes, a 2sec cast followed by an instant taking 70% of my health. Can’t be interrupted either, of course.

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Waiting and seeing what CDs they have popped. And if they’re going in full CDs blown, then trinket.

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This has been my experience too. WM in BFA at start of expansion was so much fun. I haven’t bothered with it in SL. Mobs in the Maw and some areas of each covenant are bad enough that they kill me first before the players do.

I’m just trying to kill quest mobs. So, I’m just pitching in helping the Alliance or rather tagging along getting credit. WM will be a thing later in the expansion for me.

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Can’t be interrupted as what? Because there are other ways to interrupt Aimed Shot that’s not a kick.

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Bruh, In 2s as Guardian I’m having alot of success with the Kyrian ability. Although I must admit, in Bgs tanks don’t feel as durable as before.


PvP has overstayed its welcome. RIP

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MMHunter and Sub Rogue are hitting way too hard with minimal set up… They will get nerfed and probably soon. That said I really hope Blizzard will impose a player damage nerf only…just put a reduction on player targets only! Do not crush Sub and MM in the rest of the game because they are messing up PvP balance please.

Trust that I am on comms complaining about the Hordes of MM hunters destroying everyone in PvP but I don’t want the class ruined over it…just fix the PvP damage output of their nukes.

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Are we pretending specs aren’t also doing well in pve? Ok.

Honestly I cannot for the love of me understand why blizzard doesn’t use testing software to balance classes instead of making one so dominant. It’s 2020 for gods sake.


Here is the other thing people seem to have lost confidence in blizzards ability to balance classes nerfing mm hunter or sub rouge burst doesn’t mean over nerfing them into the ground it means maybe a 5% damage nerf overall dps wise with the burst evened out a bit. No one wants classes nerfed to the ground we just want balance.