PVP is officially dead

You forgot Arms Warriors and WW Monks, they are also running over people in seconds.


We’re the ones not dying to rogues and we’re the ones with brain damage? Hmmm seems sus


PvP died for me way back when they added arena.


Last night, in a bg, a hunter used double tap. Aimed shot crit for 8k and hit for 4k, then arcane shot crit 4k. Learn to play, am I right?


Uhhh. Tanks Dying in a stun has happened before. For 16 years in fact. Sub is doing so well because they don’t need haste or borrowed power for their spec to work. As other classes/specs do. Look at Sin.

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okay rogue alt lol just go back to winning skirmish until tomorrow i literally dont care about your opinion honestly

I mean you aren’t even 1550 so…

Your complaining is the equivalent of someone who plays WOW to do World Quests trying to give valid feedback on Mythic raiding.

You are invalid.


Just MM and Sub specs, right? BM Hunters are one of the most balanced specs in the game.

Whatever you say, Combatant Karen.


Lol I’m rsham/ele but go off I guess.

Playing thunder? Lol imagine dying to a rogue opener. Warrior banners and disarms rogue. Burst negated.

Like I said, only thing thats really broken is drestagath auto crit


Pvp shouldn’t last 15 mins each fight, it’s so boring and long. I prefer to get blown up or blow someone up quick.


Don’t knock the combatant. I suffered the wrath of 60 DHs facerolling me for that title.

I barely pvp and have had wm off since hitting 60. Balance is so busted it’s not even worth trying. I’m giving it a few months for a balance pass before I throw in the towel on the expac. Pvp is my favorite thing so if I don’t enjoy it then I have no reason to play. That’s just me of course.

im higher rating then you tho :thinking: going off acheivements alone

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I mean if they did it right in front of you…


Rogues can kill anyone in a duel cheapshot unless they have an immunity, you can cloak/evasion everything and trinket anything you can’t + stun their trinket again.

Survive somehow? Do it again in 20 seconds.

Guy I was playing with was killing straight through karma in literally 1-2 seconds from full to 0.

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Cool story, Combatant Karen.


One can also snipe you dead from 100-0 from 40 yards


Rogues and mm hunters right now will rip you apart in seconds.


The endless balancing act is a waste of dev time. It’s ok if one class/spec emerges as best… I’m ok with young, fit, trained men being soldiers and not little old ladies with their crochet needles.

“But then everyone will play ‘Class X’!” Ok, let 'em I say. They’ll all be competing with the same toon, so then it truly will be a contest of skill.

This is why I say Blizz should just put a max level/max geared toon for sale in the shop. You want to prove your “skillz”? You want to show me how agile your scrawny piano fingers are? Use the pvp toon.