I guess the new MTX store mount has brought them more profit in 5 minutes than the entire PvP fanbase did in the last 10 years. H
idk man, I just 6-0d a hpal and im still roflmaoing over it
I actually think mw monks are really good now and will probably be the best healer in the game October 29th if everything goes live
any hpal losing any rounds against any other healer atm has a severe lack of frontal lobe development
I love that storyline of “If you lose in soloq when you should 6-0 you have serious physical and mental problems”.
Sometimes you just lose.
I 6-0 a lobby yesterday with a broken belt lmao. Had no idea until I was out and noticed it was red.
you’re absolutely right, we had this one rogue in our shuffle and he was like “Man this hpal is a sh*tter” every chance he got
he lost the last round because he overextended to HOJ me in the opener, didn’t get the HOJ, got swapped to by our DPS and died in a cheap shot → leg sweep without divine shield
I don’t see how those things are connected
Maybe the belt was just trying to escape the cringe.
I said my belt, not your belt.
yeah pvp is still in a bad state because the rating system is so bad, they put 1800-1900 players with 2600 ones its actually wild.
This happens mostly outside of prime time queues. I no longer queue up outside like 8pm-1am. You’re just going to get put in games several hundred CR lower.
I’ve actually already destroyed my mmr once by doing this.
it’s just goofy it’s a trash rating system and it doesn’t base anything off of anything but a number, it takes 0 account of past exp or were a player was at, they just put everyone at 0 LOL and say ok guys go for it!!! and now you can see the reflection of it and how bad of a system it really truly is!! You’ll be 2200 in a solo shuffle and get a 1900 healer and wonder why? oh then you just auto lose most of your rounds and you end up with a lobby were the healers go 1-6 or 3-6 which makes everyone get 3wins AKA the mmr doesn’t move and you end up stuck because you get put with a healer who legit has never seen 2k in his life…
And put 300 rated players in 1800 lobbies, the game turns into a clown fiesta when 2/4 DPS is 1500+ rated lower than the other 2
In my experience guys like that go 0-6 or 1-5 99% of the time. Kekw he will be suspended sooner or later if not already. You can’t say anything remotely negative or trash talk nowadays without offending some snowflake(s). You can’t even defend yourself or dish out toxicity in response to receiving it.
That’s the new virtue signaling woke Blizzard for you. Wonder how many cubicle crawlers they still have working for them?
I’ve learned my lesson though, the first thing I am going to do when I return is disable chat and NEVER enable it again.
It’s like the jokes write themselves.
I’m so confused, I thought you would endorse toxic chats. The rogue was actually alright too, and the hpal was indeed a pants pooper
I don’t endorse toxicity, but between freedom of speech, a mature language filter in game + the ability to block/ignore, I don’t think ANYONE should be getting their accounts SUSPENDED for being toxic. At most it should be an escalating silence that eventually leads to being permanently silenced, if that.
I also feel that the report system is being abused in more cases than not, and that the game isn’t even enjoyable anymore as far as socializing/bantering with new people goes, because the most recent generation(s) of consumers and Blizzard leadership are pathetically thin-skinned.
Imo if you did nothing to provoke toxicity, but merely REPLIED to someone being toxic towards you, then you have the right to defend yourself, and the report(s) against you should be disregarded, or even better, the person making the report should get the silence or suspension for instigating the toxicity.
In no way, shape, or form should anyone get SUSPENDED for basic trash talk comments, such as “you guys suck”, “gg healer diff”, “wtf are you doing”, a sarcastic “thanks for the peels”, “thanks for using turtle at 10% health”, etc.
My most recent ban went beyond that to at least a few people, but to the best of my memory, my comments that went too far were all REPLIES to people whispering toxic stuff to me, or telling me to hang myself, etc.
It’s fine, I accept my punishment despite feeling that the punishment should be an escalating silence, not a suspension, but at the same time, the game is no longer fun to communicate in, unless you enjoy being relegated to acting fake/overly positive, walking on egg shells and fearing a ban anytime you say ANYTHING that can easily cause someone to go, “hmm, this guy said gg, I’m going to right click and report that”.
Catch the wrong person or people at the wrong time, and I’m sure something as benign as “I really dislike cats” or “medium rare steak is trash” in trade chat is enough to get your account suspended nowadays.
Blizzard new policy of “yeet out suspension if Timmy said a bad word” is pathetic, and once I return, my only chat interactions will be through discord, because sadly, I’m a hopeless WoW addict that doesn’t want to have their account get permabanned.
* heart stops *
Oh ok.
Does this actually happen? I’m surprised. I don’t often talk to randos but I haven’t not given critique this season. Hmm…
Sounds like a strawman to me.
idk maybe they punish you easier because you’ve been punished in the past. I’m sure your experience makes sense to you, I’m just stating that’s never been the case for me.
We do agree on one thing though:
Normalize and bring back being toxic
I do