I’ll even exert toxic positivity when toxic negativity isn’t an option.
I’ll even exert toxic positivity when toxic negativity isn’t an option.
I’m definitely not saying this, but account suspensions are not a reasonable punishment imo. Silences are a more fitting punishment for the crime.
I’ve seen people in bgblitz saying “everyone report x” because they got knocked off the map, or they capped the flag at perhaps a bad time, etc. I’ve even heard/read that people are getting suspensions because they were testing a macro in /s and it annoyed too many people around them.
Imo the ones liberally and/or falsely reporting anything/everything they see are the softest and most toxic individuals in the game, and the worst part is, that Blizzard panders to them.
I guess I just grew up in a different time. I grew up in a time where you could punch each other in the arm, sack tap, call each other a curse/gamer word if they couldn’t beat you at something (or you outplayed them), taunt each other, try to out trash-talk one another, etc., and due to context (and not everyone being a soft crybaby), it was all in good fun, or at the very least, not something you’d get punished for.
Every generation is just getting softer and softer, and Blizzard is actively enabling snowflake behavior due to the fear of the slightest backlash/loss of revenue (I get this part).
I’m actually disgusted and feel shame for being the same species as a lot of these people.
Freely speaking your mind, defending yourself, and/or giving opinions doesn’t exist in this game anymore unless you’ve pre-filtered everything that you would have otherwise said, such the output can’t be perceived as negative by anyone (and even then, you’ll probably still get reported by some people just because you had a differing opinion or because the report system is so easy to abuse).
For the snowflakes that are triggered because you know I’m talking about you (and better yet, because you know I’m speaking the truth), I hope you can one day comprehend how soft and pathetic you are, so that you can maybe one day become something better.
I’m suppose I’ll probably receive a punishment for this post tbh, due to my failure or unwillingness to adapt to this new soy/snowflake/woke/virtue signaling culture we have now.
I saw a picture of a MW monk hitting somebody for 16 million in arena yesterday
Dear diarrhea
I enjoy pvp a lot right now but theres a lot of things I don’t like that definitely hold it back.
-Too many passive roots or slows, frost mages are the biggest villain here but in general I would like to see a lot of passive slows pruned or massively nerfed. Its gotten pretty insane and has contributed to the mobility bloat we have now.
-Tuning could be more reliable. It would be really nice to just have weekly tuning so smaller adjustments could be made rather than overnerfing or overbuffing something because we wont get more tuning until 2-3 weeks from that point, and sometimes that tuning won’t solve the issue. If we had weekly tuning every season, it could allow for making smaller adjustments each week rather than massive ones every 2-3+ weeks.
-MMR issues every season. Whether its due to participation or something else, every season is seeing different levels of mmr which is leading to a lot of confusion and sometimes frustration. Shadowlands s1-3 being inflated, DF s1 and s4 being inflated led to frustration in df s2, s3 and TWW s1. There should be mmr adjustments made earlier on as necessary so people don’t stop queuing after the first 3-4 weeks if a season is deflated, or maybe a more reliable way of progressing if that isn’t sustainable.
Okay boomer
No we need more violently repulsive nerfs to classes like frost mage, aff, feral, and bm/mm. Blizzard is letting these classes go rampant and with the phantom pain bug going on for a whole day where hunters exploited it for easy 2400 within like a hour yea no they deserve no parachute falling from this battle bus
I bet they did make more from the mount than they did selling the war within expansion for sure!
WELL, thats all folks they made their cash, they are done, gonna be a loooooong expansion lol. Why also when hiring people, you never pay them up front, only when the job is finished.
idk I’m having fun and all I do is PvP
I think there will be alot less QQ about the state of PVP once ratings inflate a few hundred more. I’m procrastinating when it comes to PVPing tonight because it feels try hard at even lower ratings. I used to cruise to around 2100 - 2200 CR in seasons past before it started feeling like 1800ish does now. Wait it out and you’ll get better results for less effort. I imagine that’s what a big chunk of the pvp community is thinking.
That’s not really hard to do though…
it doesnt have to be for me to enjoy