PVP is in the best state in a long time!

I was queueing my alt lock with 185 ilevel at 2k+ 2 days ago, I played affliction and destro. You don’t see them because BFA destros are awful players. They’re all playing affliction right now to ride the same wave they did in BFA. I played affy in BFA. People who aren’t good are abusing the meta and mmr right now. People who are, play what they want.

Also there is a 2k brewmaster(whole team is awful, they’re hard stuck, but he exists) and there are dozens of 2200+ survival hunters and a handful of blood dks in rbgs. Blood dks can abuse a near unlimited grip mechanic from conduits which can make them okay for doing nothing but completely eliminating an enemy healer from a fight by constantly gripping them further and further away. Frost is fine. Frost mages sit bases at 2400+. I have a friend who is almost 2k cr as an assasin rogue and he clicks.

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Blizzard is fixing PvP gear! 9.1 can’t come soon enough for me.

Now class balance will be the focus, instead of gearing. As it should be. We have some specs to buff.

explain yourself


Nevermind, i found the thread


if we are doing premades, then spec and gear dont matter so much, you can bring your friend because you know they are good.

pugging is not the same, when pugging you are subject to the community perception of things. and the community perception of class balance is always a caricature of reality with distorted views. it tends to also be very similar to black and white thinking, either your class is good or it is trash, there is no inbetween, so if you are not on a meta class, you are trash and most people wont invite you, unless you are a famous streamer(people have a face to connect with makes them empathize with you)

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Wait… A hunter complaining about a priest liking pvp? I do rbgs not randoms. So factions don’t mean anything only MMR. You got the biggest face roll pvp class there is.

this is just a semantics thing but you are confusing people cuz WoD had a pvp gearing system that revolved around ‘scaling’, or at least most players called it that

I know you mean template style regular gear scaling vs only pvp gear having its own scaling

Ion just stated in his last interview that they recognize the conflict between pvp and pve gearing systems and the problems it is creating so they are looking at going back to the WoD gearing

however, this being Ion’s dev team, it will have some kind of negative I’m sure


Interesting…we think a like.

I too wait till season 2 to really jump right in.

I think PVP is close to being very good if they close the ilevel gap in PVP a little bit and address the meta outliers in PVP.

Base conquest should be higher IMO and they should put more stamina on honor gear to help newbies out.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


In a day? I don’t think so bro! I have been stuck at 197 -200 now for 7 weeks.

I agree that people saying ‘day’ are ignoring the amount of hours it took and the fact that ‘day’ is completely subjective

you can buy about 4 slots from the AH, depending on your gold stash or cash shop buying power, up to 226 each slot.

You can get your complete covenant set (197) right now but you need to grind about 30 renown which takes 15-60 minutes each depending on travel time and the task.

pvp is honestly one of the slowest paths unless you have someone to carry your handicap toon to get all of yoru conquest points caught up for 200 gear and some honor along the way for 197 gear (if you have the renown far enough)

as dude said ‘a day’ that means there is no vault involved, but he’s partly talking out of his butt and exaggerating so we’ll give that a pass for now

you’ve a very slim chance of 207 gear from the single world boss

everything else is basically carries - carries on normal raiding for 200 gear, carries on rated bg’s, carries on mythic plus - and you still need torghast for your legendary which will be 190 and impossible to get higher until the next week

without carries you are easily looking at 20-30 hours to hit 197-200 - much much more if you ever deviate from a single minded boring focus on the gear, which is multiple weeks for some people and lots of people just burn out on repeating all he same stuff again and slow down on it even more


How are you supposed to get 226 item level and 2400 exp if you are 0 CR with 200 item level and get declined from yolo groups and when you do get in a group, it sucks?


Hopelinka, please save us!


This is not scaling like BfA scaling, it is simply an ilvl boost that gets applied while in PVP/warmode. BfA scaling was hidden from players and could be exploited (see rextroy videos on this)

In WoD the boost was written right on the gear tooltip plain as day.

yes please …

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every season has a couple classes riding the pine so to speak. but any class spec can achieve some success in ranked pvp. i seen a survival hunter up in 2k area. he had the best mog on. looked like indiana jones. held his own. thats not a common spec up at 2k but he was doin just fine. so i guess it just depends. i mean if that was seriously the case we would all be paladins.

He’s got almost 500 RBGs played and is sitting at just shy of 1900. 300 3s games and sitting at 1450.

I’d be interested to see how much /played time he’s got at 60.

There’s only room for one rating shamer in here pal

Also he bought 2100. Lifetime challenger, got one win past 2100 and tanked 300 points. I cringe reading his comments. There’s like 5 people who comment here frequently with an ounce of rbg exp that are worth listening to. This man ain’t it.

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Make your own yolo groups, get 1400, upgrade your gear and then start making groups that aren’t yolo and require disc/mics.

That’s what I did at least. I couldn’t get into any groups and was 195 ilvl so decided to start making my own last week… got up to 1400 fairly easily with yolos… just broke 1600 last night with a team I put together and I’ve been building my PvP community pretty much every day I have 5-10 more people on my Btag list than I did the day before.

Put yourself out there and push. I’m not close to 2400 CR or 226 ilvl but I’m still pushing and almost at 210 ilvl now a week later. I plan on breaking 1800 this week and then pushing higher.

Be the change you wish to see :slight_smile:


he bought his rbg achieves. I hate agreeing with you but everyone ignore this soulbleeder kid