PvP is effectively dead

Thank you for listening to the vocal minority that wanted gear to be the defining factor in rated PvP. The ladder is ruined and the population has dropped to the point it probably won’t recover.

I guess all of you that wanted the “Mini Game” dead got your wish after all.




Surely it has nothing to do with the fact that we still don’t have a vendor while there’s one for Mythic+


Like it… wasn’t? In TBC? Wrath? Cataclysm? Mists? Warlords? Any of those expansions ring any bells?


real problem is you can’t get the traits you want to use. gear meaning something is great, acquiring it atm with RNG is not. changing gear on the fly is interesting… if you got lucky and have the choices.

All had systems where you could obtain the optimal gear for PvP BY DOING PVP

PvPing is actually now the worst way to gear for rated PvP.

PvE trinkets are now the most meta defining aspects of the PvP season ever, and I mean more than 25 M Deathbringers Will and scabbard of Kyanos.


Yeah, that’s not what you said.

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Because they dismantled a system that was good and fair (templates from Legion or the WoD PvP vendors) and implemented this crapfest where if you’re not running an Oppulence tank trinket on your Warlock/mage/whatever class that isn’t actually able to obtain this from its loot table, then you’re disadvantaged.

The fact you have to be above 2100 to actually obtain gear that even rivals what you get out of a quick +10 is a kick in the teeth.

and it is about to get WAY WORSE with the crucible of storms gear


Legion template made me want to vomit. If you had a bad one you were stuck with it no matter how geared you got.

At the very least they allowed for fast small changes to balance things out. I think they could have been implemented better with maybe some stat sliders that let you allocate a certain number of points into certain off stats but we’ll never get there now.

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Idc how unbalanced it is or whatever the issue is, I just want the damn Vendors back


That would be a small step in the right direction for sure. Too bad we’ve been deemed too stupid to buy our own gear.


I’m glad it’s gone. And personally from my perspective there were still balancing issues in Legion. All they need to do is make a proper vendor for M+ and then re-add the PvP vendor into the game.

It gets a bit deeper with how badly classes have been pruned. Consider that people that play the game for PvE have dungeons and raids for content. People that play the game solely for PvP (yes we exist) don’t have that. Our content is class design. when it is bad we perceive the game as bad.

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I’m aware and right there with you. Within 2 expansions I’ve come to hate my class. I’m just saying a proper vendor so we can at least gear the way we did before would be a big step in the right direction.


I don’t think we’ll get vendors again because too many people made tickets buying the wrong piece of gear and it took too many GMs on the pay roll to keep up with that.

Basically because 1 in 5000 people screwed up we’re all punished for it

In vanilla there wasn’t any gear vendors for pvp so only raiders could enjoy battlegrounds. Then they came out with pvp vendors and you could just enjoy pvping without devoting months of your life per toon to something you didn’t enjoy just so you could do something you did enjoy. The ques would pop between instantly and 3 minutes on the weekends when there was gear venders.

Now they’ve gone back to the old days and the ques have gone to 15 or more minutes at peek times and on top of that with their gear system the next item my feral druid will earn is a reasro/balance staff… so I just stopped quing, going to lvl some alts for a few months see the new areas and then leave.

Its like if you want to play football they make you play cricket for months to get your helmet and pads.

On top of that the people most opposed to getting gear through pvp don’t like or have anything to do with pvp, they oppose it just to argue.


And the game will continue to tank while Blizzard refuses to listen to the players that have been paying an active sub and partaking in all their content for years.

I agree. It sucks and needs to be changed back.

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I’ll admit I don’t partake in “all their content” because doing dungeons and raiding doesn’t interest me. All I want to do is login and queue Rated Arenas. It’s too hard to keep up now.

Multi classing is also a huge factor in what makes Rated play enjoyable and it has never been harder to maintain an alt let alone your main.

I find gear doesn’t make much of any difference.
I’m not having any easier a time in matches at 400 than I was at 350.

Going from 350 > 400 i’ve noticed I’m not hitting my targets harder.
I’m not taking less damage. Kill times have remained consistent from the bottom to the top of things. Nothing changed for me after gaining more gear. Facing geared opponents didn’t feel significantly different than facing fresh 120’s in greens.