PvP is effectively dead

Don’t blame players. Every change that is implemented has Ion’s full support. Many of them were his ideas.

People hear a lot of random noise complaints and assume that devs have decided to listen to 1 idiot and give him what he wanted.

Nobody asked for this. Put the blame where it belongs.


Gear matters a ton dude. Arms warr is pretty inviable until about 405 ilvl when you can start pushing a solid 11-12k consistent dps. They’re still garbage because they have the mechanical complexity of a can of coke but you get me.


I think I can say that I’ve been in a lot of different elements of the game. I did PvE in Wrath and then went PvP only from Cata through WoD. And when they took away PvP vendors I felt forced to go back to raiding since RNG gearing in PvP stinks. And now in BFA I find raiding unenjoyable.

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I semi agree but if the wheel doesn’t squeak it doesn’t get oil.

Most of the squeaky wheels here don’t get oil.

There was a very vocal minority over in the Arena forums that campaigned day in and day out to have the things that made PvP bearable dismantled.

It really doesn’t.
The scaling shenanigans make it so you hit a target for the same portion of their HP as an equally geared opponent, no matter what variance in gear exists between you two.

Likewise, no matter how much you outgear them they hit you for the same portion of your HP as an equally geared opponent would.

My 20k Colossal Smash should reck an 89k HP Dps, but it doesn’t. It takes sub 10% of their HP. Much like what it would take off a 400ilvl opponent.

The numbers you are seeing are complete and utter lies.

They are not the numbers your opponent it receiving on their end, or in actuality.

Yeah I don’t PVP much anymore, let alone play this game.

But when I do it’s with friends and zero s**ts are given.

Still no PVP Vendors… seriously?

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The scaling shenanigans have been addressed and if you tried pushing rating with 89k HP you will be hard stuck at 1300 cr until you get gear.

You are dead wrong if you seriously think a 290 ilvl 120 has any chance at beating a 400 ilvl 120.

Your mistake is in thinking that they gave ideas to the devs. In fact it seems like sometimes it’s the other way around. A sudden flurry of demands from previously unknown posters often will signal that changes are inevitable and are already planned to be implemented.


You’re not wrong with the way I assumed things. I just needed somewhere to aim my saltyness. I’ve been Salty since WoD but kept a “Don’t worry things will be fine” attitude. Then Legion came out… Don’t worry things will be fine… Then BFA. I’ve cracked.

Problem is I want to love this game but they’ve killed the aspect of it I was invested in.

When I PvP I use a set of gear mostly from BFA launch.
400 ilvl azerite pieces with my preferred traits, the rest is mostly ilvl 325-330 pieces with the stat balances I want + gem sockets on every slot possible.

The set carries an average ilvl of 373. It has a total of 169 less secondary stat points than my highest ilvl gear set (Average 413)… but all the stats it has are, in my view, perfect.

I haven’t done more than cap Conq and haven’t went for a push this season yet.
But I’ve already broke 1.5k with no real effort, running all my games with an HP pool of less than 181k. I have felt absolutely no disadvantage for using a significantly lower ilvl gear set.

During season 1 I experimented quite a bit on my own and with friends/teammates before finally settling on an approach which just focuses on secondaries.
I’ve played games at 380 ilvl and at 330 ilvl and found the games at 330 with perfect stats were easier to win than games at 380 with less than perfect secondaries but a butt load more primaries like Strength and Stam.

I forgot what we did in mop but we need to go back to that pvp was so popular back then rbgs was filled with so many faces. It was so easy to get to high rating just because there was so many people.

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That has been fixed and keep in mind that 1.5k is like the bottom of the barrel arena rating. Your rating would start at 1.5k back in the day.

MoP just had incredible class design and game mechanics. Every class could beat every class if the right player was behind the wheel. If you were good enough and it was a 1v2 situation with everyone having the same gear you could still win off skill alone. That is what made MoP so great.

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I was surprised that there were no PvP world quests like Legion had (e.g., warden towers, Operation Murloc Freedom, Bareback Brawl, etc.), especially when one considers this is an expansion aimed at faction conflict.

The PvP world quests were a joke though. Warden towers were PvE and the Free for alls were just dominated by tanks because PvP outside of the stat templates was just completely busted.

It’s still more than this garbage of an expansion has, bud.

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It wasn’t content that anyone in the PvP community cared about. Bud

Speak for yourself. It was another way to get honor and gank people.

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My post is about how Rated PvP is dead. PvP world quests had generally nothing to do with PvP. The PvP community does not care about or even want War mode but they gave it to everyone like “look we care about PvPers!”