PvP is disgusting now,only for meta and geared players

hahaha rapid fire go brrrrrr

I have more rated experience than you, I have more meta achievements than you, I have higher Honor level than you, I have higher CR than you. If that makes me a fake PvPer then what are you? You don’t even have basic stuff like ‘Battlemaster’ but you’re going to sit there screeching about not valuing the grind lmao.

Anyway, If I am just a fake PvPer and you’re a “real” PvPer then it should be easy for you to beat me in a duel, no?
Add my btag, name the place, and I will fight you. We’ll see who the real PvPer is, chump :slight_smile:


I believe you won’t get renown by finishing activity if you have quest available that reward renown.
I just tried farming H dungeon and it didn’t work, then I turn in the mission, gained 1 renown, did a H dungeon, gained renown

I missed 6.0, the best PVP season ever (probably except S1~S3 messy time)

More delusional paladins thinking they earned their CR.
I have bad news.
Look at your CR.
Subtract 400 from your CR. Thats what u actually deserve captain overpowered pants.
Even after a 20% WoG nerf its STILL a LoH and needs to be nerfed again.
Yall werent just overtuned, you were over-overtuned.
Still are.
Honestly if you arent 2100 as a Paladin what are you even doing?


oh, sorry for telling you some truths, you really went crazy. my characters don’t show all my experience in the game because I use an option for that, do you know about that? I’m not even 60 at this alt and if the pvp was good and competitive, and I fought with the same gear / ilvl conditions, I doubt you can win because you have “great experience” in BFA pvp, the worst pvp expansion ever made.

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Invest the time? Who wants to enter a bg at 18k hp and get demolished over and over until they have 215 ilvl? Does that sound fun? Have you attempted to level any alts?

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My soon to be 4th 60 is lvl55 right now. I’ll have him at 20 something k in a day or two getting my head knocked off over, and over again until he’s in full 197’s, then it’s low CR RBGs all over again. Lol

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I started to, and then realized it would suck so bad! Covenant renown quests over and over and getting destroyed with ilvl 187 until I am renown 22 again…

No way! Id rather take a bath in a tub filled with scissors.

still not my main, and yes you became mad because you got “pvp ranking” in a bad pvp expansion, and yes i can beat a meta sub rogue like you anywhere playing as assassin rogue being night fae, but i doubt you’ll put aside your 220 daggers n 235 legendary n other op stuff you got, so just go your Gear vs Gear PvP you like, thinking you are more than your items

its not so simple, you cant drop ilvl from conduits, legendaries , and covenant skills ,this gives you huge advantages .play with the metas like you. the real wow’s pvp is dead for almost 6 years n most part of the real pvp players dont play wow anymore.and a BFA newbie doesn’t know anything about it.

I think forum challenges are kind of dumb but everyone has access to 235 legendaries.

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yeah playing weeks of that stupid gear check tower

If you haven’t liked something for 6 years - yet you are still here- are you a masochist or something? Why bother even paying for the abuse?

I get what you are saying, pvp has changed in a direction that i don’t find … great… in regards to gearing but at least this iteration is better than BFA.

And before we get into rose tinted gogs and all, Wow has always been plague’d by gear coming from PVE being better, or the better PVP gear being locked behind rating or ranking.

Even in WoD, which i thought was a fair system for PVP gear, you still needed PVE trinks to be ‘competitive’… Sheath of something or ? Was more oppressive than Skulkers before it got nerfed.


IIRC, the pvp trinkets gave a set bonus with a huge amount of stamina? I might be wrong, my memory is a bit fuzzy there.

Really, they could have solved a lot of problems with targeted set bonuses. A set bonus that makes pvp gear best for pvp. Set bonuses targeted for raids or dungeons. Multiple sets for different content.

I’ve always found collecting sets and set bonuses to be fun.

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PvP is the best it’s been since WoD. Having a blast so far.

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The PvP trinkets increase your damage and healing by 40% of your vers.

So, while in theory you deal more damage to someone in significantly better PvE gear, it doesn’t mitigate the damage done to you.

No stamina boosts unless you buy the trinket that increases health on activation.

We were talking about the WoD pvp trinkets.

Alliance does this. Ran some randoms just a few hours ago and the horde had almost an entire team of 33-38k players and my Alliance team was avg 23k not including myself.

I know it’s not 18k, but yikes it was brutal. :persevere:

Fixed that for you!

Edit. Aww, I just realized that you’re frost. That makes my joke sad. :frowning_face: