PvP is disgusting now,only for meta and geared players

i think you said something along the lines of get good, and i called you out for saying that on an OP FOTM.

keyword: were, dat nosedive in representation:


So because Ret Paladins have better representation in the highest ratings than DK, A. As a healer, I got all my wins without earning them, and B. You aren’t high rated in spite of other DKs doing it, because of Ret Paladins and not because you aren’t playing better? Lol Got it.

Anyway, I gotta read 5 chapters for an exam. As it turns out, in spite of there being way more intelligent people than me in the world, I somehow manage to make A’s and B’s in college. What an oddity we’ve found ourselves in tonight.

Have a good one.

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what does “dubs” mean?

Still don’t remember.

Doesn’t change anything. You’re the one that said:

Meanwhile rogues had an easier time doing that than rets did.

Usually means win. Dub = the W.

im too lazy to dig through post history, so i guess its just lost to time.

and they got nerfed. where are the pally nerfs?

i’ve seen that, but sometimes they seem to use it to mean players, or objects or games, but strangely, never what the word actually means in english.

Doesn’t matter. Your premise was trying to undermine Tactics with the “says X class” meme, meanwhile the OP played an even more OP class.
After the “nerf” to rogue it still is really strong, it’s just not as much of a “pop bubble and wings at the same time and faceroll your keyboard” wheelchair accessible class like rets, hence the shift in class representation.

I only ever see it to refer to wins. “Let’s get that dub” or “Easy dubs”, and so on.

you said i have issues.

you said i can’t play my class

i should buy carries? thats throwing shade on skill.

implying i didn’t?


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and i have called you and others out for it in the past, go back to that chart, if your class is in the upper half, you don’t get to tell the lower half to get good or try harder. its wrong when you do it, its wrong when i do it, and it wrong when tactics or anyone does it.

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The op.
Is/was literally.
In the.

He played the second most represented class during:

Like I already said, the OPs problem is not his class. It’s him.

Dude just stop, you are making yourself look really bad lol

Holy paladin and Discipline priest could get a slight nerf.

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then its just trolling.

why do you care?

I don’t believe that the OP is trolling. I believe he genuinely is frustrated but instead of looking at himself he wants to blame the game.


if he switched classes, does that not make his complaint valid on the new class?

I am not sure that it would.
He says he hasn’t had fun since WoD. Since that point the game has been fast pace, slow pace, and anything in between. If he hasn’t had fun since WoD then it absolutely is his own problem.

Quite the opposite. I’m saying you’re capable of doing anything, if you just go do it, instead of telling everyone they get free wins on the forums.

You could have gained 200+ rating(or more) in the time you’ve spent here.


i would definitely agree with that, however the current pvp model is still broken. blizz is favoring engagement over balance, so we have predesignated FOTMs. the end result is we will have an ever continuous line of thought that “my class does well, therefore im a good player” when in reality it was blizz rigging the system for engagement metrics.

im stuck in some spot with RBGs where unless i buy a 2k team to carry me on a win streak, i get no CR for winning. im not going to buy a win because im not that kind of player. i stop at buying gold every once in a while just so i dont have to farm mats. i’d rather see wow die than pay to win.

In TBC I didn’t have to do a single minute of PVE to gear up. I just ran arenas (and BGs to start) and that was it. Was able to gear up in a few days at most.

In retail, I need to farm legendaries, farm soul ash, farm renown, farm maw rep and then finally do arenas (and get higher rating to upgrade all my gear).


take that work process and then add on the fact that for casuals arena isn’t even the end goal, its just to get rating to upgrade your gear so you can stay relevant in unrated pvp.


you are the fake pvp player Ion likes: one who pvp with tons of pve effects and pve equipment since BFA, basically PvE players collecting PvP stuff without any effort or value in the stupid grind / goal game that the developers left WoW. you only know the bad phase of pvp.

win in PvP because you farmed more ilvl and pve effects than your opponent is a PvE concept that devs wrongly apply on PvP during the past almost 6 years, since the director (just played pve for all his life) and his team basicaly wants the pvp the same thing as pve(unique game in the world that tries to make like this, i think), and will never be. So thinking like this with this wrong logic about pvp, blizzard just make more and more real pvp players quit the game and still insist in calling it an e-sport.