PvP is Bad (nerfed to much, alternative ideas)

Who wants to run oom in pvp by casting and not being able to kill anyone?

Who wants to roll full out on a target just for them to lose only 50% health?

Who wants to see their target get full health after their healer has been cc’d 2-3 times already?

This feels like a heavy handed reaction to a problem that could have been addressed by, instead of nerfing dmg globally, buff stamina and give us new consumes or something that allow for better resistances/dmg reductions temporarily. So we have this type of dmg mitigation but not all the time. This is why spriest is so viable compared to other classes in sod pvp before this nerf. Dispersion + new Trinket is basically a get out of jail free card. With the dmg we had prior to nerf that makes a HUGE difference for your own fight longevity.

This basically feels like I’m nerfed down to level 25 again, effectively deleting all my power gained for the last 25 levels. Buffs > Nerfs for balancing.

** Edited after more experimentation
Shadow priest is an absolute joke now.
I’ve been putting 3dots w/ Fiend + Homoculi whilst mindspike prepped mind blasting and shadow word deathing, and targets simply act like I’m not even there.
Yes I’m dispelling them and yes I’m CCing their healers, with fear, silence and even sleeps.
No amount of well timed CC’s is possible when the target can get healed to full through my burst and dots by hots or just 1 single burst heal at the last possible second since that last second now is a year long.


I think the changes are perfect other than a few bugs. People got too used to be able to 1-3 shot everything in sight. It was stupid and boring. Learn to actually PvP…which means CC and knowing how to fight as a group, what your classes strengths/weakness are.


The changes are terrible.
Im not asking to 1-3 shot people? … but if I dump an entire rotation on a target unchallenged and they don’t get healed and they are still alive? really?


welcome to actual pvp


t. someone who can’t hack it in a fast-paced meta


“actual” pvp isn’t a standard thing …This is SoD… If I wanted to play the same slow paced bs I’d play normal classic. i’m looking for faster pace pvp. I could still live in SoD prior to this nerf? why couldn’t other people?


I feel completely busted right now. I have a feeling some folks are really enjoying this change but not in the way folks intended. I feel unstoppable with a healer. I remember watching Reckful with his leet healer just wrecking stuff with glaives… it feels like that.

100% agree. It just makes healers feel so much more OP.
The last bg i was in had a shammy get healed by 1 priest through 3 - 4 “attempting to kill him”


They simply have to reduce the healing done as well as damage by the same amount.


This is painful to be part of. I am going to watch some basketball playoffs.

It is slow and brutal. Pocket heals and prob any melee is god mode. But what happens when a immovable object meets an unstoppable force?

Can’t wait for some serious premades.


Whats the point though? why not just buff stamina or temp dmg reductions?
Are we really going to grind from 50-60 and achieve numbers less than what we’ve already experienced? I want to level up, not down/sideways.

Both are bandaids to the real problem: RUNES provide too much output across the board.

If you cant balance PvP, it means PvE tuning is too high. Nobody complained about any of this nonsense in 2019 or on Era.

The functionality of runes should be QoL improvements and new ways to play your class, I.E on par with baseline abilities with the benefit being the improvments they provide over base spells, but instead they are vastly superior in terms of damage and healing.

Player power was already going to be high with the revamped loot, and the game would of been faster in PvP off that alone, but runes on top of that doing magnitudes more damage and healing than base spell is what’s killing PvP.

Runes need to be nerfed across the board globally to be in line with base spells, and tune boss health pools and damage accordingly. To all the parse jockeys rolling their eyes at the thought, a 99 is still a 99 regardless of how much were able to output.


How do you go oom?

Ya I can agree with this, the Runes most def aren’t on par with baseline abilities and that creates this power creep. Normalizing Runes so to speak would help balance this but that would be a relatively in depth update that would require an action be taken on every rune. This nerf most def feels like a lazy solution to the problem. I’d still take my bandaid over this nerf cuz at least mine wouldn’t feel like regression.

Classic era PVP is what they should be aiming for. It feels perfect.

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Use all your abilities, run oom, use cd’s like fiend and dispersion and mana pot and then use all abilities again. I’ve done this multiple times in AB at BS and the fights are just basically stale mates. Super fing boring.


I mean how hard is it to simply increase HP in PVP? Its so obvious.

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I really don’t understand this.

Didn’t you put Life Tap on your action bars?

Buff stam on PvP gear, buff Food/Water Add alternative pvp trinkets for various situations. buff underperforming classes. Nerf No one


yup another brain dead anti-fun move by the SoD devs, anyone surprised?