Maybe if it takes you and your team three people with stuns to take down the healer, class balance is not the issue here… just sayin
It’s not just one instance, and it hasn’t always involved me.
they want to make it so one person can solo A Healer you should never be able to solo a healer
I know this thread is in the arena section, but this is going to make a huge impact on battlegrounds as well. I am leveling a disc priest and 2 resto shamans through battlegrounds. (allied races for the class gear sets). Its really hard to heal battlegrounds with the focus on you from even before the gates open. I guess I will just go dps spec and not be heals anymore, which is sad because its my favorite thing to do.
You guys literally ruined pvp. Congrats.
Not as drastic as 80% dampening games.
Did the healer kill either of the two people trying to kill them?
Especially since that healer has little chance of killing the dps. If they do somehow kill the dps its because the dps just didn’t let it go.
Please in today’s hotifx, revert the changes.
Nerf rdruid healing output
Buff damage across the board (maybe not WW)
People will actually die before dampening.
The game will be less script-y.
I am tired of this tic-tac-toe of cooldown trading into dampening or oom.
This isn’t what this game should be.
I miss Ythisens already.
F’s in the forums.
This game is so simplified and dumbed down the solutions are now obvious, and yet they elude these experienced developers. I cant understand.
It’s quite simple, they don’t play the game. Notice how they were so quick to apply fixes after a tournament is taking place.
WTF did Chris Kalieki go to school… Arby’s??? this team is so bad at what they do ; ; and to think they get paid to do this to our game!!!
all the people who work at the tournaments where getting paid for to many hours! now they will get paid for 6hrs instead of 12… quick money saver
You want mana to be a key strategic resource in pvp. Ok so…
I only see this working if mana is acting like a soft CD, as an alternate to using a timed healing CD when behind on momentum.
So for Shaman I could use Ascendance, or consume my mana via Chain Heal/Healing Surge when needing to catch up.
To make this work however, my base heals (riptide, healing wave, etc.) AND utility need to consume essentially no mana, and be able to sustain my 2 DPS from normal pressure (no burst) while free casting.
To gain momentum on me the other team could use burst CDs or well timed CCs to pause healing(or both). From this I could catchup with healing CDs or mana spend. The worse my team plays the faster I burn CDs/mana. However, play well and the match could go long.
Basically if mana is a very limited resource, I should only be forced to spend it when I mess up. Mess up enough times I lose. That’s fair.
Not as a hidden match timer.
Wooo!! Thank you!! Thank you!!! Healers had become nigh-unkillable, so this is a welcome change!
Wow. How awful. Who is directing these changes?
Seriously, no Maledict changes, but this?
It was his kid.
well, best of luck to everyone competing today. Might as well run triple dps and oom healers immediately. So lame.
Thanks for buffing BM Hunters. It’s great. Wait…
yet another chop to disc priests… blizzard a bunch of haters