This was actually one of the driving factors of removing resilience. People didn’t like how different their abilities were. I don’t get why they don’t bring it back since they do separate changes anyway.
Instead of nerfing everything to the freaking ground you guys just need to increase the lower performing specs close to the ones that you devs think are overpowered…
Restore to 8.0. You devs are useless
1.) Higher level
2.) Less abilities
3.) Too much mana to use the few you’ve got
Why couldn’t they have just brought back things like Viper Sting, Mana burn, or mana drain
dude u literally cant make it to dampening
I love how blizzard write "in pvp, ‘WE’ want mana to feel…
Cool… glad you guys just do what you want. You also introduced stupid trinkets. The game is now all about people running in and pressing 123 until healer is oom. No cc needed. Hell trinkets will do the work and if a trinket doesnt get you the kill the healer will go oom. GGS
this would work if dps damage is nerfed. u cant nerf 1 and not the other
You can if it’s to bring them in line. If it takes three people with stuns to take down a healer since they can just out-heal everything and still do other stuff then there’s an issue.
This just shows that they have no idea of the root cause for long dampening games.
This cooldown-based playstyle with low sustained is why games go into long dampening.
Simple fixes would be to increase sustained damage, reduce cooldown/trinket gimmicks and balance healers so they have efficient heals for their “standard” sustained HPS as well as more expensive spells for when they need to catch up.
Oddly enough, disc priests are a good example (not saying they’re good at the moment, just conceptually). Their standard healing rotation is very mana efficient. It’s when they start falling behind and they have to use less efficient heals that you see the mana pool go down. In my opinion this is how it should be for all healers, though perhaps not with this severity.
While I don’t think anyone likes dampening, this has to be the most mis-fired attempt at fixing what was already a nightmare of a season for healers. With Triple Maledict brainless losers everywhere. Now we can both enjoy not being able to heal, while also oom!
Oh look, nerfs. Big ones too. That will be recieved well.
Ty Blizz finally pvp is playable again
How about a demon armor and gpy nerf thx
Just take the leap & healers out of the game. Give more self heals to dps. You’re already on the edge.
I was close!
@RDRUIDS buffs are over go back to your mains.
I’ll tell you what really happened a developer went into a Battleground could not kill a Healer so he went to a blizzard meeting and complain like a baby do not worry player decline incoming because of stupid decisions like this
Super happy that of ALL the issues that are plaguing class balance and design, these nerfs were deemed to be important enough to hotfix, yet huge disparities remain with other classes that literally go untouched.
There are hundreds upon hundreds of forum posts detailing copious amounts of issues that affect many classes in all aspects of the game.
I don’t want to morph this thread into specifics but to name a few: GCD changes, abandonment of Elemental Shaman’s redesign, the out-and-out pruning of almost every single class’s abilities i mean the list goes on and on.
Personally i feel like the dev team is so far off the mark of where to spend their dwindling time and resources that i’m losing all hope for the remainder of this expac.
What about you?
don’t worry every healer is going to be complaining about their Mana now … lol the developer still won’t be able to kill a Healer because he’s terrible