PvP Hotfixes Incoming - Feb. 13

LOL just do a PVE rotation using no Cc or interrupts and heals go down now.

Looks like they fired the wrong ones.



My God, Resto Druids were ridiculously OP. Without coordinated CC, silences and stuns, they simply couldn’t die. They were way out of control and this was a much needed change.


Blizzard just told you to reroll or stop playing.

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What just happened was the “what… you guys don’t have phones?” of hotfixes.


Honnestly im kind of tired of them waiting on fixes that they know they need just because of tournaments.

Its literally catering to the top 0.01 percent of their game and making everyone else suffer. Like have they even fixed the raid healing trinkets in pvp yet? Cuz those are now going to be must haves for pvp with the mana nerfs.

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Andddddddd so many healers will be rolling dps or unsubbing. How boring it is to play healer now.
Need to juke interupts, cc, damage, purge, the stress of healing mongo melee pressing 123 and now healers need to drink while having melee dps going Mongo. Can you please make it where healers can drink in combat and heal at the same time? Otherwise this is beyond stupid and bye bye healers


Anyone who thinks these changes are what was needed to fix the game is actually terrible.


I highly recommend watching Payam’s VOD from yesterday.
Idk how healers (especially disc) are genuinely supposed to have fun with these changes.
I would’ve had an aneurysm if I played healer.

Truly the most idiotic move ever.

I am beginning to wonder some ‘collusion’ exists between the Blizzard PvP developers and Apex management lol. Perhaps its really just a high level of industrial espionage because nobody … and I mean nobody is this freakin stupid. I feel bad for all the honest and hard working employees at Blizzard who will inevitably lose their jobs as subs drop like a sack of hammers because of this absolutely idiotic move.


Reducing mana regeneration is not the way to do this. The player should be able to play the game at all times, not start /dance until dead because their mana is gone & they’re basically useless. If anything you’re better off reducing healing power, not mana regeneration.

This feels like classic. This does -not- feel good.


Agreed, now the other 99.9% of the folks who are not in that group is going to suffer.

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I agree totally with this HAHA.

WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. disc already went oom way too fast lol.


WoW Community: God damn dude, I wish I could play more than one of three healers in PvP.
Blizzard: What’s that? You want us to make one healer class god in PvP?
WoW Community: Wait no please no not like this
Blizzard: snorts a line Let’s get this party started bois
WoW Community: Oh dear Lord have mercy on our soul
Blizzard: sO ThE TourNAmENt CLEaRlY ShoWEd ThaT We DOn’T HAvE ENouGh RdRUIdS HeNCeForTh We ShALL NeRF EvErY HeaLEr’S ManA becAuSE DaMP
WoW Community: But Rdruids can literally always get a drink and you can’t ever drink against Rdruids…
Blizzard: HeY BiLLy GEt Me ANOthER LInE AnD SOmE SaTIVa. AlSO, A BoTtLE oF RuM PLS


Long over due. Good job blizzard, maybe we can return to the days of skill…

Ahhhhhhhh young one— this what gaming is all about, skill. This feels great.

Did you read the notes?

Did you play classic? Because until Cata having to get a drink every minute or two to keep from going OOM in arena was a thing. Anyone who has played since then has just adapted to the “I should always be able to use my spells WhhhhhaaA” mentality.

Consider yourself lucky mana burn from priest / hunter isn’t still a thing.

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Is this nerf to Disc mana real life? How could anyone with even slight knowledge of the game say that Disc needs any sort of nerf to mana regen? I am all for having all healers in line with each other but this just makes no sense.