this is absolutely the most lazy attempt to fix dampening metas in arenas possible. time to jump on this apex train and unsub?
Give me one good reason why anyone should keep playing a healer when Blizzard designs the entire game around making their experience as miserable as possible?
Healing in PvP is already one of the most painful, boring, least appreciated things in this game. We are just an obstacle for DPS to overcome. Incoming damage is ridiculously high and the CC bombardment is unplayable at times.
Healers should be getting buffs and overhauls, not nerfs after nerfs to cater to the DPS mob.
I recognize DPS players make up the majority of subscribers but this attack on Healers constantly every single patch in every single expansion has to stop!
I think they’re talking about the percentage change after this hotfix. Healers already had reduced mana regen depending on their class.
post:66, topic:100586"]
Healers should be getting buffs and overhauls, not nerfs after nerfs to cater to the DPS mob.
I recognize DPS players make up the majority of subscribers but this attack on Healers constantly every single patch in every single expansion has to stop!
wont disagree thats healing takes a specific fortitude but overall without bias healers keeping games to the 15 minute mark might make it less stressful for them but overall just makes the game awful as a tradeoff
Did… did they really just nerf disc mana regen?
Are they taking the piss rn?
Honestly I dont think these are the changes the game needs, D/T azerite traits nerfed by 50% in pvp and rdruid being super op is why there is such a heavy damp meta rn.
Blizzard logic: we have a shortage of healers in pvp, so were gonna nerf healer even more…
Just needed soem sustained damage increases and a few rdruid nerfs is all.
…What the hell just happened?
Hopefully next they nerf Demon Armor, Fists of Fury, and Death Strike.
Lmao monkey PvP balance team.
can we get some clarification on what mana regen was reduced by prior to this change
Honestly I gotta say these hotfixes are pretty depressing. The last time they did mana regen nerfs we saw in the tournament just how pathetic most healers were, especially Discs due to these mana regen nerfs. They then undid those nerfs, and now they’re doing it again. Might I add that the Disc mana regen really wasn’t called for, at all… They already go oom so fast compared to anyone else in the game.
But, what makes me even more sad is the fact that nothing else in this game got hotfixed but the healers, as if healers were solely the problem to the game.
I guess everyone who plays a healing class should just roll DPS. Playing a healer is one of the most toxic generating spec to go into a battleground with. It is stressful and not fun at all when it comes to instanced pvp with random people. You are just a target dummy to get chain CC’d and then death. Keep nerfing and making them even more weak instead of fixing the issues with the dps classes.
Guess the people that played heals all lost their jobs yesterday.
Druid was 30%, Disc 15%, hPriest 30%, hPala 30%. RShaman 30%. MW 30%.
They might as well remove dampening right now after all these mana regen nerfs lol.
I kept wondering why healers had this blue bar that never seemed to be used.
Now Blizzard needs to do the same for all the “all too easy and cheap” massive instants some toons get…
Disc priests rejoice, you finally got a buff! Only 45% mana regen nerf! LOL
Did you seriously just arbitrarily and entirely shift the burden of dampening onto healers (the least participating and most needed role in pvp) instead of just correctly balancing abilities?
Dampening is primarily a dps/hps balancing failure.
Now healers have a huge deterrent to using offensive purges, damage and anything non-healing related in their spell books.
The next time Blizzard does a corporate mass firing please include the lazy team that came up with this hotfix idea.
I don’t understand comments like these. Healers aside from Resto Druids or Holy Paladins were most definitely going oom. In certain matchups I would only have 20% mana before dampening even started before these hotfixes.
It also doesn’t solve the pace being slow. They needed to do specific tuning in buffing sustained damage and certain poor performing healing spells.
still watching teams go into damp
I agree that mana should be critical but how the hell does a disc priest drink? They get trained as it is. All you did was buff melee big time. All caster comps need to setup and the healer with any caster comp goes through more mana than a healer in a melee comp. Can you have someone make changes that knows the game even a little?