PvP Hotfixes Incoming - Feb. 13

teams go into damp but its not 70% damp and healers are oom usually before dampening even hits now.

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I’m so incredibly frustrated with this game. Blizz has lost touch with the base. Mana was an issue in many caster-cleave heavy or rot comps, but there are games that last ~2 mins (e.g., mindless TSG against disc priest). The mana changes are overly punishing and all of the other issues and meta-classes (e.g., spriest, destro warlock, ele shaman, windwalker monk, etc) that are clearly over-tuned are completely ignored. Why isn’t ret and spriest healing impacted? They are incredibly powerful healers for a hybrid. To add insult to injury, clearly broken trinket mechanics (e.g., maledicts) were also left alone.

I would love to see real change here, but I doubt it will ever happen. I quit ~5 years ago for many years due to frustration with class balance and out-of-touch developers. I came back because it looked like a few quality of life changes were made and improving the game, but I feel hopeless again. I’ve cancelled my sub and this time I won’t come back. For those who stay, keep fighting the good fight. I hope they turn this around, but all I’ve seen is a steady decline with small glimmers of hope.


You idiots litterally made disc priest now redundant to play. Good work morons

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oh no

can we address the fact that the entirety of arena teams can 3 stack maledict after this week, too?

edit: in serial, ofc

Recently came back to this game to play with friends and you make disc priests even more trash with mana.

What are you guys doing? Disc was already going oom prior to this change, but you nerf them 5% less than a Hpaladin? lol your entire company is a god damn joke.


So, these changed just rekt the game even more… high dps classes will shine. GG blizzard.

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You cut employees obviously due to costs and now you purposely try to lose subs. Are you still a business or someone else hacked blizzard?


The people who made these changes should of been fired, I just unsubbed for making healing unfun in pvp

I hope your company that iv supported for years crashes and burns


This entire problem exists because the Blizzard PvP team skipped doing formal ability balancing in BETA, and instead handed out gimmick honor talents to bandaid specs that never got fully functional spellbooks.

Instead of disincentivizing the least played role in PvP on the very week healing reduction trinkets are given to everyone on the ladder, revert this embarrassing change & fix the fundamental flaws in your game.


So maybe these aren’t the IDEAL changes, but ill welcome anything to get shorter average game length. Should be able to get more than 5 games per hour in now


So perhaps since you’re completely crapping on disc and shaman (once again) maybe you could take a look at making it so that comps like warrior + DH with any healer don’t automatically beat any other comp that has a disc priest or resto shaman in it. You can’t peel melee of yourself enough as it is, wont be able to heal yourself because of interrupts, and now on the off chance that you CAN get a few heals off, you’ll be oom.

Who’s in charge of PvP balance, because, #801 fired inc.

In general you either need to destroy the 15 spells each melee spec has to get back to any target they want or bring their target to them and/or give every single caster spec more than one ability to get away.


How stupid do you have to be to nerf Disc mana regen? The healer that ooms faster then any other healer in the game.

There is no way the Devs can be anything other than idiots to push changes like these through.



Every other person on here acting like the sky is falling and I’m just sitting here thinking about how good it will be to actually win or lose a game in 2 minutes for once.

Do you not see an issue with games ending only because the other team did more damage and depleted your mana bar first?


No, that’s the ideal situation for me…

If you want to conserve mana, then your team needs to reduce incoming damage, either by putting out more dmg, using defensives, or using CC. Isn’t that exactly what arena is meant to be?

Please also note, this doesn’t change the fact that teams can still win games by being better co-ordinated and killing a dps while his healer is CC’d. It just means that you don’t need to wait until 50% dampening to basically make healers obsolete.

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Ironically CCing the healer causes passive regen to kick in. So melee cleaves basically got a massive indirect buff.

Yay I love games that won’t end in good set ups but instead just dump damage until a healer goes oom.

this wasn’t a mana regen issue, outside of 2 classes.

I’m not sure what you’re saying. One of the reasons games go to dampening is because healer mana isn’t an issue. As a holy pally I have literally never lost a game because i was out of mana. Why even have a mana bar then?


because holy pally is the #1 spec that required mana retuning… How clueless are you?