PvP Honor Decay Question

I know you wont lose rank but lets say you obtained Honor this week but it is not enough to rank up, do you lose Honor via Decay or does the Honor you obtained still count for progress into the next week? Im hearing different things about it from people but thought id ask for clarity if i should farm up some honor now or just wait til 40 because id lose all that honor i farmed.

EDIT: ok this is sort of wrong. You have to hit thresholds to get percentages. See below posts.

Gone baby gone. No more decay. Take your time.

You need enough honor in a single week to gain a full rank. At later ranks you will be able to earn partial levels.

So if i dont reach the required Honor that week that honor doesnt carry over then and I lose it and have to regrind it all?

See thats what im hoping because the comment under yours is saying something odd and im trying to figure out if i can do partial honor each week.

Example: I need 10,000 total for a rank, but i get 2000 honor that week, would that mean that next week i just need 8000 or do i lose that 2000.

This was my understanding as well, you never lose honor, but your gain of rank is in comparison to the honor earned that week from your server. You still need to push during a full week, but you cant lose rank anymore. I did not know anything about partials at later ranks however.

Only contribution points carry over. Your honor for the week converts to contribution points, and then that is checked against the rank thresholds.

If you do not earn more contribution points than the next rank up requires you will gain nothing and your progress remains the same as it was (effectively your honor was wasted).

If you earn enough, you will gain contribution points based on the theoretical rank earned and a multiplier they have for that rank. At higher ranks you may earn enough points to hit a new rank (say rank 4) but that rank has a multiplier on it (.8) that will lower the points you are awarded and you may not actually rank up. If that happens you will have progress towards the next rank that will carry over (in this example, your rank would be 3.8).

There is a blue post that explains the math behind it if you’re interested (titled “WoW Classic Era 1.14.4 PvP Ranking Update Examples”). Otherwise the easiest way to tell if you’ve earned enough to have meaningful progress you’ll want to get the “Ranker” addon, a weak-aura, or use a website like the SoD Honor Calculator to help you figure out how much honor you need to earn. It’s a bit of a pain to try to calculate by hand weekly.

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Thank you, i appreciate that.

So effectively i may have just wasted time here because the honor gains atm and the time I have available isn’t mixxing lololol

Yea, right now going from rank 3 to rank 4 requires a good chunk of honor at level 25. Honor gains increase the higher level we are though so it’ll be easier to farm when we level.

There are certain cutoff points where, if you meet them you get progress, but if you fail to meet them you get no progress, and the higher your ranks, the higher the cutoff points.

There are additional checkpoints as well, above those cutoff points, but any progress between those points is wasted unless you make it all the way.

It was a common complaint about the new system, the fact that theres no granularity in it, but overall its a much nicer and more consistent system than og ranking

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That’s correct

Specifically you need 11250 honor to get 3.8 and 33750 to actually break into rank 4 (you’d be at 4.6). When I was grinding WSG for exalted a fairly decent amount I’d get around 40-45k a week at 25. That’s probably not realistic to achieve before we start leveling tomorrow so I’d just recommend worrying about your honor gain at 40 if you want to rank passed 3.

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Yea thats kinda where i messed up, may as well just grind out Marks from there to cap out tonight and call it a day :V

OK so there are thresholds after rank 3 you have to hit. There is only 1 percentage threshold in rank 3, and that’s for 80%. And it will take 11250 honor to get it. But you need 33750 to go from rank 3 to 4. But that will put you at 60% into rank 4.

Whole thing is convoluted and weird. Basically, if you want to get rank 4 in one week, bypassing the “80%” threshold, you’ll have to sweat more honor than if you stopped at the 80% threshold of rank 3 for the first week. i.e, you get 11250 this week, then 11250 next week – boom you have rank 4. Wheras it would have cost you 33750 to get rank 4 in the first week alone. So it takes 11250 less honor to get rank 4 if you spread it out over 2 weeks instead of 1. But you must reach at least 11250 in the first week to move the dial. And sweatlording to rank 4 in 1 week will put you 60% into rank 4 as opposed to the 0% rank 4 the two week takers will get by getting less honor. There’s just no 0% pitstop at rank 4 for people who want to rank up to 4 in one week. You have to make it to the 60% mark.

I think.
This is super convoluted lol

this calculator helps

FYI, sweat for 45,000 honor in one week, and you instantly hit rank 5 phase 2 cap from 0% rank 3 right now.

These are some routes to rank 5:

  • 1 Week - 45000 (Rank 3 > Rank 5)
  • 2 Week - 33750 + 22500 (Rank 3 > Rank 4.6 > Rank 5)
  • 4 Week - 11250 + 11250 + 22500 + 22500 (Rank 3 > Rank 3.8 > Rank 4 > Rank 4.8 > Rank 5)