PvP Grind Extremely Demoralizing

Rank 10 is all I want. I’d like to have the full blue set for it’s decent stats and the aesthetics.

For over 10 weeks I have played this game fairly exclusively in PvP, for 4 hours a night. Pugging that’s a little over 20k honor a day minus the weekend which I farm another 60-100k honor.

This puts me in BR9 which is known will increase my rank 8 about 10% a week, at this rate I have another 5 weeks + at rank 8 and then it hit me…

I’m going to have to either cut into sleep and literally no life WoW to get rank 10. What is worse is honestly it looks like I’ll need to take time off work to put in the hours to get enough honor for rank 10… but how long?

Do I get rank 9 and see how extremely demoralizing it will be? Do I just give up now?

I win 60% of games that aren’t against high level premades, the low level ones get beat often. There is some fun in it all but honestly…

I thought I did, but I didn’t. Good job Blizzard, I’ll be putting this on the shelf until TBC. A lot of great lessons learned but my memories started in TBC anyway on a PvE server, and it was all good.

TLDR: Rank 10 is too much of a time sink, wish I realized it sooner. See ya in TBC!


May need to server transfer for better results.

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You don’t want it bad enough.


The decay is a bit much. I have to pull a minimum of 50k to break even and over 100k to have a chance of moving up. Who has that much time? So, yeah, the burnout is coming.

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You are right, obviously there are individuals who want it much more, on any given week it’s about 150 more people in fact. Regardless, 30 hours of investment in anything in a week should result in a reasonable return. The PvP ranking system doesn’t do this and with the current premade META playing isn’t a reward either.

Luckily, when TBC comes out we’ll have the pleasure of rank 14 GM gear while mindlessly rushing through AV… OMG can you hear the crying now? The queues and losses for horde? Hehe what a simple pleasure.

Everyone wants to be the best.

Many people just need to accept that they are at where they are at because that is where they rank on the scale of time and effort invested.

You can keep grinding or you can quit. No different from anything else in life. If it is not worth it to you, that is not Blizzard’s fault. Best of luck.


You only get last-season’s rewards for battlegrounds in TBC, and I see no world in which current classic servers ever make it to the 2.0 prepatch.

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Thats why TBC should be welcomed. The grind of classic our vanilla isn’t healthy. I was watching a youtube video where a guy took off from work to grind rank 14 and he plays 22 hours a day. He just was kinda sad to watch that he was that addicted to game to the point where is was slowly taking his healthy down a notch to gain e-ranks.


Haha, ok friend. I’ll likely glide rank 10 until after Naxx release then grind when the gear is irrelevant. The system was made during an extremely fluid time when people didn’t know if the juice was worth the squeeze so ultimately only PvP oriented players were going for it and thus likely resulted in attainable goals.

Also, I don’t appreciate your trolling responses. You are merely insulting my resolve and it’s inappropriate. I haven’t insulted you at all so cut it out.

Uaaa, when was that announcement made?

There is no reality in which they ever convert current classic servers to the pre-TBC 2.0 patch version of vanilla (the one you’re referring to with grinding honor for the rank 14 gear).

So guess you better find another way to get it…

It’s not worth it. Put that amount of time and effort into raiding or even grinding gold and you will get decent stuff much faster.

PVP for fun and a few of the easier things, don’t waste your time on chasing the higher ranks.

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It’s not worth it man. I exclusively pvp’d back when phase 2 came out and got rank 8 right as BGs hit. I realized after the first week of BGs that it wasn’t what I wanted. The world pvp was fun, AV was not. I instead started putting a quarter of the time into raiding, and now have 28 epics.


I finally got around to downloading this HonorSpy add-on and if it’s correct, even at 75k honor for the week I am going to lose percent on my Rank 7. Uhh… what? That’s a broken system; how can I spend a part-time job worth of time on BGs and go down in Rank? Definitely needs to be adjusted. Haven’t the #NoChanges morons quit the game yet so we can actually make Classic playable?


Or, you could just not do the grind.

You can get gear that is as good for better for almost all specs from doing PuG raids that take an hour tops.

Seriously, if you any of you think this was meant to be “the way to gear up for PvP” in Classic, you’re deluded.

So, you thought you do but you don’t? This is what the vast majority wanted #NoChanges. Now regret.

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You’re competing against people who are somehow willing and able to play 14+ hours a day.


Or you can raid 5 hours a week and end up with better gear


It’s not for everyone, but if you do it and make it you will have that feeling of accomplishing something.

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PvP because you like it, and if you rank up…that is a nice bonus on the side. Doing an activity you dislike simply for the rewards is the wrong way to play a game.