PvP gearing is bad and not fun (HELP)

I love capping 2s starting from from 0 conquest, spending all afternoon on it, and literally not getting a single drop, let alone anything useful like a corrupted item.


still waiting blizz…


Forever and ever and ever you’ll be in my heart(vendors:sob:) and I’ll be waiting for you


No blizz response? really?


Crazy how something posted in 2017 can still hold relevance in 2020.


what a simp

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nice buffs blizz… WW +5% in PvP as well… way to buff the top melee spec in game and not add vendors… holy hell.

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Can we just like… hire somebody to work on PvP balance? It’s clear this role is empty.

I’m not even asking for vendors…just buff the darn drop chances. BFA PvP has been an embarrassment to a game with so much potential.

Lol @ the %5 WW buff. I really despise you acti-blizz. If you started taking applications for an unpaid pvp dev you would be flooded with applications.

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Lets start a discussion and bring this to the attention of Blizzard guys. As everyone knows 8.3 and BFA in general was horrible & not interesting/Fun for PvP. I q arenas and i face the same team 50 times due to the numbers for PvP being low. Its not alt friendly it takes me like 4 weeks of hard grinding when your a solo in the game just to get the gear and qualify for arenas. Me as a PvPer and as many i am sure dont get much time to do these grinds in the game just to do what we love. PvP and PvE should be different, their different skill sets and should have different approaches to gearing. Forcing one to do the other was just not the right move especially with these LONG grinds, now i know some of you are gonna say “WoW has always been about the grind”… Yes i agree it has but not for PvP… PvE its all about the grind to maximize your gear to do good in raids but for pvp its about SKILLS not gear. Heres the deal Blizzard, WE WANT PVP VENDORS OR SOMETHING SIMILAR (EASY QUIK GEARING) IN SHADOWLANDS. PvP vendors ment everyone had the same Item Level, same gear it was about using your stats and actual class skills and it made Dueling fun and World PvP balanced where as now dueling is not fun and Wpvp is dead and these are FACTS. I am seeing mythic raiders press buttons by playing brain dead classes such as DH and DKs and get high rating purely based on their gear. Not saying this is bad but not fair, i dont like being forced to do something to enjoy my aspect of the game. For people who AGREE with my statement and care about what shadowland brings, lets START a DISCUSSION guys, lots of us dont want shadowlands to fail in the PvP aspect like BFA. Lets bring this to the attention of the developers because lots of people are on the edge of quieting this game for good if shadow lands fails in PvP. (Also who remebers the days when you meet someone who plays wow and the first thing they ask was “Are you alliance or horde and the next thing they as was DO YOU PVP OR PVE?” no one asks this anymore and i wonder why :(. )


That’s because everyones playing classic.

BFA is a raging dumpster fire that wont go out it just keeps burning hotter and hotter.

I gues that happens when you dump trash on top of burning trash though?

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They need to bring back the pvp vendors… wpvp and dueling was soo balanced cause we all had same itemlvs and it was all about useing your stats and actual skills… now skills is having gear apprently… i q arenas and face the same team like 50 times… you know the numbers are low when… and blizz doing nothing about it… hopefully shadowlands gonna be good cause lots of people on the edge of quitting for pvp.

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Well said. Let’s also add in there that 1400 skill capped players (no disrespect to anybody) can one-shot way better PvPers with their RNG corruption gear that they obtained by having addons like BigWigs/DBM holding their hands through the PvE content. No skill.

We need vendors. PVP sucks.


Dont accept anything less of what is right. They put in PvP vendors in BC for a reason, because PvP and PvE are separate games. PvE maybe larger but that doesnt make PvP dispensable. Look at participation in the game to see how PvPers exodus have effected the game. You can see by the participation what the response is to NOT HAVING PVP VENDORS. Look Blizzard, PvP VENDORS OR NO SUB, NO SHOP, NO GO FUND ME, NO NOTHING IN SL.

Lets call a spade a spade here. IT IS BAD. Passive damage, from azerite traits/essences/corruption should not be what every specs majority of damage comes from. Damage should actually come from what I am pressing to make that damage happen, not from some piece of random gear that does it for me. Where is the counter play in that?

BLIZZARD, get you act together and release details on what you plan on doing in SL for PvP Vendors.


Jaiwhevejcic jjsus


I’m only posting because it has been 1 minutes since the last post and its already at the top… i am so tired of seeing this thread bumped. idk why but it annoys me so much

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Youre right. I am annoyed about seeing this thread bumped too. If only blizzard would put in PvP vendors so this thread can just die already… :thinking:


Yeah lets do it blizz. Bring back vendors, so that Zhula can stop seeing this thread.