PvP gearing is bad and not fun (HELP)

Battleground ques on horde have been 9+ minutes. For a very simple reason low participation why because there is no reward.

Horde ques being long are because the amount of horde trying to do bgs is larger than the amount of alliance doing them


I think the queue times are more about faction imbalance.


No, that’s faction imbalance.

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By rewards I’m assuming u mean pvp vendors right? Cuz yea that was def bad imo

But as for cosmetics legion had some of the best elite sets to ever hit the game imo

PvP vendors yet?

We did not forget about this Blizz.

Side note, congratulations to the referees of the Superbowl, under the NFLs direction they gave the game to the Chiefs. Questionable PI calls, no holding calls, hitting the 49ers QB in the helmet, all ok under the NFL guidelines. The NFL should be ashamed of themselves.

We, as a community, need to be more vigilant about keeping this bumped to the front page. The history books must show that there was resistance to this tyranny. That it wasn’t everyone who sat idly by as the game slowly deteriorated before our eyes.

I want my children to know that as the organization ripped our beloved vendors from our swaddling grasp, there were some who stood up and made their voices heard. For one day the next generation will look to us and wonder why we put up with such nonsense.

When my kin look to me with such a query, I dare not respond with, “well I didn’t like the direction my favorite pass-time was headed, so I just quit!”

Or, “well, kids, since my favorite pass-time was a mmo-rpg it only made sense that I be forced into mindless treadmill content equivalent to a part time job. It had nothing to do with the organizations greed or play time metrics for them to show to their stockholders.”

I will proudly tell my kids that their father stood up and pestered the organization on their forums (that they never engage in meaningful dialogue on) for over two years. That I relentlessly complained and whinged, all the while still paying for a sub for more than half of the time.

Our voices matter (clearly) stand up and be heard?

TLDR; Euck you activision-blizz

PS - WTB follow up Venruki post


That’s the spirit

Give my vendors back Blizz! No NPC looks at me the way my PVP vendors used too.

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100% agreed, pvp gear suck compared the energie needed to complete an easy +10
 And now that wow give a 480 ilvl ingeneering helmet and it’s REALY op every player spec engeneering to get it
 if you dont dont even try compete at higher rating.

Two years , 3 months later and the OP still stands true.


Was about to say the same exact thing. Good job blizzard

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Uh Oh
but what about the 2020 pvp vendor narrative. Felt good saving up 3 weeks for one piece of gear you say Venruki. Tsk Tsk.

Uh Oh spagettios!

Uh oh


Why are you all still subbed, obviously blizz is /spitting our corpses at this point.

Shadowlands isn’t going to be better, blizz is just trying to sell mounts. Seems to be making more money than having a decent game.

Bring back PvP Vendors please. This solution that has already been laid out for you in previous expansions. Bring them back, typing this last ditch plee before sub runs out.


Plz bro for the love of god just go into the next staff meeting a flip a table

Maybe print of the hundreds of posts about the lack of pvp progression

The noobs on your team to talk to some of the people that partake in pvp and not in moon guard and WRA

You could be the hero of all wow pvp, forever remembered in our hearts, a bigger name than anyone who has ever pvp’d

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So Blizzard every expansion makes PvE trinkets so relevant in PvP. We have to run Mythics +15s, some might even opt to raid to get gear in order to stay relevant throughout the season and what not.

Why don’t you make a trinket so good thats BiS achieveable @2000 rating. I want to see all the raiders flocking to PvP like how we have to flock to mythics.

They’d complain so much blizzard would remove it. Hell they already complain they have to pvp to get CnS or bote

Yet PvP’ers gets the short end of the stick

Also - BRING RBGS BACK TO LIFE BLIZZARD - GIVE OUT REWARDS FOR HOTA (I’m assuming that they don’t do this because it’s really easy for people to get carry, making the reward meaningless) - but I mean people get carried to glad and all that stuff anyways
Might as well make it so the game is fun and more people que for something.

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