PvP gearing is bad and not fun (HELP)

But so many people got lost and died trying to find those sneaky pvp vendors, you guys should thank Actiblizz you can get a free ring or bracers every week, forever.


its amazing to cap and get a ring thats not better than what i have equipped, which i got from emissaries, or warfronts, or PvE M+, or PvE raids. Because you know, I’m a PvPer so I HAVE TO PvE, while PvErs dont HAVE TO PvP. I dont get to choose to, I HAVE TO. fun…


They’ll hear your complaint there and add a neck to the random loot table.


BUMP I find funny Ion thinks we are too stupid for vendors, yet he is to stupid the damage not having vendors is doing to his game LAWL.


We. Need. Vendors. Now!

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Yea my one buddy logged into his battlenet for the first time in almost two months. We vented and he said the number 1 reason he unsubbed is no vendors.

We’ve been playing since vanilla and have loved vendors since the inception of arenas. RNG has no place in PvP and skill>gear… And no templates don’t do this either because there are still % differences and we don’t get any actual sense of progression.

Bring back vendors…


Collectively we may actually be dumber on average thanks to the dumbing down of the entire game and the introduction of content like mission tables and world quests bringing in those mobile games users. Maybe blizz is right.

On the GM of Limit’s stream today “WW has too many buttons”. In the 30s I watched this guy, he basically went about saying some specs have too many buttons. Maybe he was talking about for his addons? I dunno.

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Band aid changes on a game that needs major surgery bump

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Bump. 10 char

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and bump again.

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Bump for feral bleed damage increase and defense. KTHXBYE

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For sweet justice this PVP gearing system is a flop. Admit you are wrong that PVP vendors are needed and move on.

While you are it add PVE vendors too so the PVE players don’t cry. That is all.

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they already did add pve vendors. :confused:



Time for PVP vendors then. The time has come!



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I don’t even know anymore bump

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  1. Blizz genuinely doesn’t know communities concerns.
  2. Blizz disagrees with said concerns, “we know best”
  3. Blizz does not believe applying resources to pvp will net positive returns on those investments. (Staff, testing, etc.)

They could easily spend an evening once a month with Ven, Ziqo, and Supa (whom they obviously trust to have extensive knowledge and insight) to discuss current state of pvp.

If number 3 is correct, I’m not sure what it will take for them to believe more resources into pvp will net a bigger bottom line.


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My team mate is about to quit. He got so enraged last night. Opened his chest 400 trinket. While playing some 2s he got the same trinket again. Then at some point he bonus rolled and got the same trinket again. I think he’s up to 7 of these trinkets and they are the worst ones lol. Oh and this week we get a crap 385 from capping :(.

I already unsubbed a few weeks back but he talked me into coming back since there is nothing else with the same arena system. Now hes about to unsub on me :frowning:


༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ ༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ Summon the loot

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Bump I wont quit. I want this game to be fun and enjoyable getting bracers worse then I already have for capping is not fun nor enjoyable

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