01/10/2018 01:32 PMPosted by
Thnx for all the feed back guys but PVP is just a mini game and we can't dedicate any of our Resources to it but please keep paying yours Subs!
The accuracy of this statement is to true...
Dident PvP at its peak have like 750k-900k players between EU,NA, and Asia? Like that is a very healthy amount to get it off the ground, and now its like what 250-300k worldwide?
But instead of stoking the fires, they just kinda swept it under the rug. Maybe there is a reason blizzard is bad at esports.
But who knows, guess I can't blame them WoW arenas were never really a great spectator sport. But still, for a subscription based game, thats a ton of people.
Holinka man idk I think u did a good job just got stuck with the bag of class changes the last 2 x-packs.
01/11/2018 12:50 AMPosted by
Dident PvP at its peak have like 750k-900k players between EU,NA, and Asia? Like that is a very healthy amount to get it off the ground, and now its like what 250-300k worldwide?
The entire game, pvp and pve, had a huge number at its peak. Both have dwindled. 14 years old game, you know?
The number of people that suck up to community managers make me want to puke. Game is broken, this thread has done nothing to fix it.
This thread did affirm the developers stance that Legion is not being fixed.
This thread did affirm that to see potential fixes, you must purchase the next expansion.
I understand and applaud Blizzard's business model. Shareholders should come first and they are the priority here.
01/09/2018 02:15 PMPosted by
Of course, when they fix it so PVP gear is competitive again, there will be a 21 page thread from pvers who feel forced to pvp for gear.
This has been a no win situation for years, and it has literally gone back and forth for years. Either pvp gear is good and pvers are unhappy, or pvp gear is bad and pvpers are unhappy.
They'll probably do something like make gear irrelevant in world pvp with scaling to try and bandaid it
Lmao honestly how many expansions were PvE players complaining about needing to PvP? That's a ridiculous thing to say considering there were so many expansions where the two types of gear were separated correctly. Why not make a PvP stat and put it on all PvP gear like resilience or something that decreases damage taken by players, or you could even bring back PvP Power from MoP that increased damage dealt to other players or a combination of the two. It will make the gear irrelevant in PvE but necessary in PvP. This current system of just slapping versatility on almost all PvP gear is lazy and could be the main reason why this thread was first created. Put either rating requirements on the gear or make the gear scale as it does in legion, but make the gear worthwhile so players will want to push for higher rating for meaningfully better gear instead of Legion where the bonus stats you get from 2.4 don't feel like anything in arena.
The two types of gear have been separated correctly before so to say because it
HAS happened in the past like you did isn't doing anything positive for the conversation.
One of the CMs, I forget whether it was Ornyx or Zahrym, came to the aid of the devs when I was arguing with them on Twitter and made this idiotic argument:
"We wanted to remove Remove Curse from Mages because it could feel really bad if you're a new player and you get yelled at in a dungeon for not pressing it :( :("
wow i had no clue about that, why not just remove all abilities and spells, put a sword into casters hands and say "everyone should auto attack w/o needing to do anything else so your dps matches and you don't get yelled at for not know your class"
In my business, I prioritize resources to such facets that are most productive. No different here.
i my opnion pvp need to reward better item lvl tham pve, at least 15 ilvl higher.
because there is no set bonus to pvp.
inglish is not my native language.
Going forward, they've gotta communicate with this community better. That doesn't mean respond with some vague double talk to a thread every once in a while. It means when we are in alpha/beta giving feedback on systems and classes, they actually take things into consideration when the community is majorly behind an idea or sees a problem. It feels like more times than not, we have these huge feedback threads but it doesn't seem to actually influence any decision making.
Going forward, they've gotta communicate with this community better. That doesn't mean respond with some vague double talk to a thread every once in a while. It means when we are in alpha/beta giving feedback on systems and classes, they actually take things into consideration when the community is majorly behind an idea or sees a problem. It feels like more times than not, we have these huge feedback threads but it doesn't seem to actually influence any decision making.
"It's only alpha guys, just wait until beta", "it's only beta, just wait for the release" , "The expansion was just released, they're still working out bugs" , " 8.1 will fix it", "8.2?", "8.3?", "Just wait until next expansion"
I've tried to find a PvP gear vendor for 100+.
Win RBG boxes give only garbage, that's why I'd farm dungeons to find something intereting to use.
I like BC or Cata PvP rewards system when I could buy I wanted.
Revert to 5.4.8 plz and start there for BFA. I swear to god if theres another xpac like this one im gonna punt my monitor into the middle of the road. Same goes for that stupid neck piece or whatever it is. I dont want a time sink i want to play, earn points, buy gear = to raiding gear because this is where i choose to spend my time doing pvp only, more gear>less gear and deal with it. Done
I've tried to find a PvP gear vendor for 100+.
Win RBG boxes give only garbage, that's why I'd farm dungeons to find something intereting to use.
I like BC or Cata PvP rewards system when I could buy I wanted.
BGs on average drop 870 gear.
Random Instances drop 855-880 gear.
PVP usually drops (for me at least) no gear higher than 900-905.
PVE drops, depending on the RAID level, drops 930-960 gear.
In other words, if you want to PVP, they DEMAND you PVE, no matter how boring it is, no matter how much you despise PVE, they DEMAND you do it if you want to compete in PVP.
Utter trash.
01/11/2018 06:35 AMPosted by
In my business, I prioritize resources to such facets that are most productive. No different here.
What a stupid thing to say. You do realize PvP was very active pre WoD, and it was worth the attention. They got a ton of free exposure from big PvP streamers and youtubers like Swifty, reckful, sodapoppin, Mitchjones, cdew, etc. So it was 100% worth it.
The only reason why PvP isn't productive currently is because of the changes they have made to it.
In other words, if you want to PVP, they DEMAND you PVE, no matter how boring it is, no matter how much you despise PVE, they DEMAND you do it if you want to compete in PVP.
For randoms? No need to pve. I'd say only the very top rated players (like the OP) need gear since that is where every little bit matters.
01/11/2018 11:33 AMPosted by
In other words, if you want to PVP, they DEMAND you PVE, no matter how boring it is, no matter how much you despise PVE, they DEMAND you do it if you want to compete in PVP.
For randoms? No need to pve. I'd say only the very top rated players (like the OP) need gear since that is where every little bit matters.
I'm getting way better gear in raids than I could ever dream of getting in any battleground. Battleground rewards should match PVE and Arena simply because it's a huge team effort to win them.
Getting 870 gear from a random when the entire team busted their tails seem rather worthless.
Well the difference between randoms and raids/arena is you get gear after every single win, whereas the others are weekly. Though for rated pvp you do randomly get gear after wins, just not every match like randoms.
Told people this Xpack would suck for Pvp and be more dedicated to PVE content..
No one believed me...
01/09/2018 02:15 PMPosted by
Of course, when they fix it so PVP gear is competitive again, there will be a 21 page thread from pvers who feel forced to pvp for gear.
This has been a no win situation for years, and it has literally gone back and forth for years. Either pvp gear is good and pvers are unhappy, or pvp gear is bad and pvpers are unhappy.
They'll probably do something like make gear irrelevant in world pvp with scaling to try and bandaid it
100% agree on the solution struggle over the years. I think the real solution would be to have the best of both worlds versus the back and forth. I see the benefits of making it easier for PvE players to step into PvP easily by making gear matter less to them. It is a great thought process, but RNG as the sole means for PvP gear for more serious players is not really a long term solution across the board.
Instead maybe something like adding that same RNG base ilvl gear players who are super casual from a PvP perspective to get during bg's, WQ and such like now. While having pvp gear that is acquired through a vendor with currency for the more serious pvper at a higher ilvl. Enough of an ilvl difference that it gives a reason to work for it, but not such that casual pvpers get one shot merc'd.
The struggle is exactly what you mentioned, each side is always unhappy. With this unhappy, the bandaid has been removing said offensive thing versus finding creative ways to make it worth while for both. PvP gear should matter in PvP. Just like raid geat matters in raid. The two should not be swappable.
Full pvp geared players shouldn't be able to come in tackle heroic/mythic PvE content like raids. Nor should full heroic/mythic geared players come into PvP expecting their gear to matter. The two should be separate because they are.
As for World PvP, this will be a personal toggle in BFA so seems to me gear complaints from a WPvP standpoint would be non existent. If they toggle on their WPvP they had better have the gear they need to back it up one way or the other. HA!
If you raid outside of LFR, you should be forced to run the high level content to get the higher level gear. If you want to PvP you should be forced to PvP for the high gear.
Well the above of course is just my thoughts on approaching the two different player focuses.
Full pvp gear players shouldn't be able to come in tackle heroic/mythic PvE content like raids. Nor should full heroic/mythic players come into PvP expecting their gear to matter. The two should be separate because they are.
So... WoD gearing?
Great. Glad we have that settled.
I can't name a single complaint in regards to gearing in WoD that wasn't specific to either PVP or PVE. PVP had the problem of gear being gated behind Ashran for example, but that had nothing to do with PVE.
In WoD, PVP gear was best in WPVP, but heroic/mythic gear had a chance. On my rogue, I used to do WPVP in full conquest gear side from a trinket I got from Heroic Socrethar. I sacrificed 10% reduced damage taken from players for in order to use a PVE trinket in WPVP. I remember others did the same if they had the chance.
01/11/2018 12:11 PMPosted by
Well the difference between randoms and raids/arena is you get gear after every single win, whereas the others are weekly. Though for rated pvp you do randomly get gear after wins, just not every match like randoms.
Been a while since I did any areas (due to many toons with sub-par gear therefore, I cannot put out enough DPS to live long) but I don't recall every win dropping gear. If that's the case, I'll have to start doing arenas again. Miserably, but I'll go back if I can get gear.
Otherwise, I'll keep doing random stuff and pray something I can use drops. Last few weeks even the rated stuff is dropping same level gear I already have. No upgrades.
Heck, I'd rather empty my bank account to get geared rather than PVE for it.