Thanks guys for all the feedback here as I've been tracking this thread for quite a while. With Battle for Azeroth we aren't ready to share information on what changes may be coming past what has been shared at BlizzCon.
PVP is something that has been actively discussed going forward into the new expansion, no idea on if any changes are going to be made but keep in mind we still have a whole Alpha and Beta cycle to go through so please keep the discussion up.
Google translate from Acti-Blizzardese to English:
Screw you, pvpers... buy our next expansion.
This is why people get upset with you guys... You can't just tell people to piss off for 9+ months at a time when you're literally getting paid monthly to work on the current game. It really wouldn't be hard to up the ilvl of pvp drops so that they at least have a chance towards being useful beyond vendor trash/DEing.... Nor should SotA Southern Graveyard still actively hinder the offensive team.... 9 years later.
Thanks guys for all the feedback here as I've been tracking this thread for quite a while. With Battle for Azeroth we aren't ready to share information on what changes may be coming past what has been shared at BlizzCon.
PVP is something that has been actively discussed going forward into the new expansion, no idea on if any changes are going to be made but keep in mind we still have a whole Alpha and Beta cycle to go through so please keep the discussion up.
Google translate from Acti-Blizzardese to English:
Screw you, pvpers... buy our next expansion.
This is why people get upset with you guys... You can't just tell people to piss off for 9+ months at a time when you're literally getting paid monthly to work on the current game. It really wouldn't be hard to up the ilvl of pvp drops so that they at least have a chance towards being useful beyond vendor trash/DEing.... Nor should SotA Southern Graveyard still actively hinder the offensive team.... 9 years later.
No reason to be a wanker to the one Blue that actually decided to post here. Even if you have a valid point, this isn't the right way to express it.
As for strands... there's literally no reason to queue bgs right now, let alone strands. Just /afk when you get strands, or ban it, as it's been terrible since its release. Only way to fix it would be to make it one round, so it'd at least be quick.
No RNG gating at all, go back to WoD's upscaleing gear but NO TRASHRUN GATED TRINKETS
give demonology back MoP Demon form (wod was just knock off destruction, let's be real here) and just like make it look different and name it like "greater butt touching form" or something right? like make it functionally the same but change it to not mess with demon hunter flavor. I know what i'm talking about when it comes to demonology PvP, i was 2196 in RBGs in mists.
I lost the vast majority of my PvP guild and all but 3 members of my RBG team in WoD due to trashrun and the random boxes. It's somehow even worse now. I never played this expansion until recently because of a broken laptop. I lost almost 30-40 friends due to this RNG only gear + PvE gear is literally better than PvP gear. The Legendaries aren't helping anyone's decision to keep PvPing.
Can someone explain to me why it's acceptable design for PvE gear to be BiS in PvP? Can they explain why i must do mythic raiding to get BiS in PvP?
How can it be acceptable to the design team for a former 2.2k RBG team leader to only be doing causal content now, entirely due to random gearing?
You went from a consistent, trustworthy gearing system where you knew the exact DAY you'd get the next piece to only dice rolls. I wonder why participation is so low. Really activates the almonds.
My entire 2.1k rbg team hasn't logged in almost 7 months. Some people haven't logged. My old RBG leader only does casual runs. I'll probably only keep this month's sub to make as many characters hit 110 as possible then leave until the next expansion.
Also the entire RBG ladder is melee melee melee melee. This ability pruning destroyed RBGs. WTB SF Howls and having demonic circle PST. No AoE control, portal sucks now, large groups of melee are impossible to get off of you. I miss my old hand of guldan, where i could slow people. now demonology is played by 9% of players. give us back MoP demonology. None of that destruction knock off stuff we had in WoD. That sucked. It was unplayable. MoP demonology was playable if you had your !@#$ together. I should know, i played it to 2196 in RBGs
I could go into incredible nuance on why melee are stupid in RBGs and why I'll only level my alts then cancel my sub but my post is already long as it is.
01/10/2018 11:31 AMPosted by
Google translate from Acti-Blizzardese to English:
Screw you, pvpers... buy our next expansion.
This is why people get upset with you guys... You can't just tell people to piss off for 9+ months at a time when you're literally getting paid monthly to work on the current game. It really wouldn't be hard to up the ilvl of pvp drops so that they at least have a chance towards being useful beyond vendor trash/DEing.... Nor should SotA Southern Graveyard still actively hinder the offensive team.... 9 years later.
No reason to be a wanker to the one Blue that actually decided to post here. Even if you have a valid point, this isn't the right way to express it.
As for strands... there's literally no reason to queue bgs right now, let alone strands. Just /afk when you get strands, or ban it, as it's been terrible since its release. Only way to fix it would be to make it one round, so it'd at least be quick.
I'm not going to sugarcoat my opinion just because his or her text is a different color.... And frankly I'd argue that the devs in general need more blunt cynicism, since it's significantly more useful compared to the blind sycophantic fanboism that runs rampant in most of the sub forums here (the pvp ones being a notable exception).
There have been some positives for pvp this expansion....but there's also been a massive amount of negatives as well... and the pvp community cannot continue to survive at the rate of decline it has been on. The gearing concern this thread brings up is one of those negatives.....and something that impacts the game we are playing to play -now-. We've been seeing "expansion will fix it posts" for years now.... It really cannot be an acceptable answer any longer. There's 9+ months left of legion, and simple ilvl tweaks shouldn't be that hard.
I'm not going to sugarcoat my opinion just because his or her text is a different color.... And frankly I'd argue that the devs in general need more blunt cynicism, since it's significantly more useful compared to the blind sycophantic fanboism that runs rampant in most of the sub forums here (the pvp ones being a notable exception).
There have been some positives for pvp this expansion....but there's also been a massive amount of negatives as well... and the pvp community cannot continue to survive at the rate of decline it has been on. The gearing concern this thread brings up is one of those negatives.....and something that impacts the game we are playing to play -now-. We've been seeing "expansion will fix it posts" for years now.... It really cannot be an acceptable answer any longer. There's 9+ months left of legion, and simple ilvl tweaks shouldn't be that hard.
See, this is fine as a justifiable constructive criticism. Getting overly emotional about the situation though is likely just to get your suggestion ignored.
I do not PVP anymore, but I used to on other characters. I enjoyed the system in place where we could grind and buy from the vendor the pieces we wanted. If this system was put in place, I would consider PVP an option again.
There is a means to allow warforged and titanforged for PVP players. Allow a random drop of a warforged or titanforged armor token from PVP events. You can have variations of these tokens depending on rating etc.
-player wins a titanforge token in a top tier bracket
-player can use the token to titanforge a piece of armor at a certain base ilvl to a titanforged version of the same piece.
I think this would go a long ways in keeping PVP players interested and competing in PVP events. They get the grind and pick the armor they want and have the chance to get titanforged or warforged as a bonus without it being RNG.
On a side note, the amount of RNG in game is what turned me away last may and I took a break to play other games. Friends recently talked me back into playing again. If changes like what posted above were in place, I might have stayed around and kept my subscription going.
even with gear, the balance is way off. Template system has no variety on what stats you want, and for beast mastery hunters the mastery in the template is so low the pets (which is part of the class for pve) does little damage, not to mention the ai doesn't get an upgrade to compensate for pitiful damage they do. rewards? Mounts which is just a reskin colour and toys which is almost the same but you get 4 of them, and at 20 you get 30 marks of honor... yeah all that grind for stuff I already have. Its a joke. I could get into more class specific things but that will just fall on deaf ears.
01/10/2018 12:13 PMPosted by
even with gear, the balance is way off. Template system has no variety on what stats you want, and for beast mastery hunters the mastery in the template is so low the pets (which is part of the class for pve) does little damage, not to mention the ai doesn't get an upgrade to compensate for pitiful damage they do. rewards? Mounts which is just a reskin colour and toys which is almost the same but you get 4 of them, and at 20 you get 30 marks of honor... yeah all that grind for stuff I already have. Its a joke. I could get into more class specific things but that will just fall on deaf ears.
Low skill specs should not have the equivalent damage of high skill specs. That being said, I'd be fine with BM getting a rework to make it less faceroll... but at the start of this expansion BM hunters were literally encouraged to LoS the entire game while letting their pets do all the work, and they were doing stupid amounts of damage.
If we finally get some form of currency loot system or ability to specifically target items then possibly provide multiple options to spend it. For example, an RNG option similar to the relinquished Argus tokens that costs one amount but also the ability to target a specific stat for...say 50% more currency. Then you can roll on "Relinquished Boots" and hope to get what you want for 1750 or you could buy a "Relinquished Boots - Mastery" for 2500ish that will guarantee to provide mastery + one other stat. Still not be your BIS but better than Haste/Vers.
It really is disappointing that they seem to be unwilling to do anything about this current season's dilemma. The ilevel gap has made pvp gear irrelevant and without some kind of progressive gear reward, people don't feel incentive to participate. It is just the way that things work in mmo's.
It really is disappointing that they seem to be unwilling to do anything about this current season's dilemma. The ilevel gap has made pvp gear irrelevant and without some kind of progressive gear reward, people don't feel incentive to participate. It is just the way that things work in mmo's.
I mean, the RNG system in general has demotivized PvP from the start of this expansion. It feels absolutely horrible... In previous expansions I'd have been way more active each season because you'd grind out sets each season for the power basis... This expansion, I literally have no motivation to do anything. I queue arena just for the f*** of it because I have a cool partner... but aside from that, I just log on... do gold missions... and afk. It's such a frustrating feeling, because I WANT to play the game... but there's just no reason to.
It really is disappointing that they seem to be unwilling to do anything about this current season's dilemma. The ilevel gap has made pvp gear irrelevant and without some kind of progressive gear reward, people don't feel incentive to participate. It is just the way that things work in mmo's.
yeah like in cruel when you could get 925 in every socket and the highest ilvl players in the world were all pvpers
it's a new raid tier, next season's pvp gear will be on par with mythic gear
it has to be this way or pvp gear would be a great idea for serious raiders
yeah like in cruel when you could get 925 in every socket and the highest ilvl players in the world were all pvpers
Which had 0 negative effect on raiding. Also, those raiders aren't necessarily always just going to equip something because it's an ilevel upgrade like you would in pvp because of bonuses and secondaries. If those guys were logging out in their random ilevel set, i'd bet they'd have shown up at the same ilevel as the high end pvpers.
it's a new raid tier, next season's pvp gear will be on par with mythic gear
This seasons gear should be on par with PvE. Next season's gear doesn't have to increase in item level over this season's gear, especially if there aren't any new raids or other pve content coming out that would create a new ilevel tier.
it has to be this way or pvp gear would be a great idea for serious raiders
What would be the problem in allowing a raider to get an upgrade from their weekly arena reward just like they have a chance to get an upgrade from a m+ cache? I.e. i'm gonna wear my 4pc/2pc when I'm raiding but still have room for a belt/boots/bracers/rings/neck that could come from anywhere. It would be perfectly fine now since there are so many other ways to get pve gear. Nobody would be "forced" to do it like in previous expansions when wq, world bosses, stuff like antorus, and all of the other legion pve content didn't exist.
Seems like the honor/conquest grind for gear was better. Better catch up mechanic. You could also pick which items you wanted when. Let the RNG aspect of pvp gear be about transmogable appearances, like once you got gloves there be a chance for alternate variations of said gloves drop. Or rng for pets, toys, consumables. Also PvP set bonus could easily incentivize PvP grinding for gear. Make the set bonus so good you gimp your self other wise, maybe not do more dmg but make you more resilent to dmg from players so that it is useless pve. Have a high drop rate for gear. Since PvP should be about skill, and not about gear. Don't make it so hard to get the gear. PvP is fun because of the interaction against players in bgs and arenas, not grinding for gear. Or just make pvp similar to tournament mode. Have an honr cap and once get so much honor or a PvP scenario/ questline and all pvp vendors unlock and access to all gear that's useable in PvP only.
01/10/2018 12:45 PMPosted by
870 gear is insulting
Honest to god, I try to avoid hyperbole but it does feel a little bit insulting. I like to pve a little bit (used to pve a lot 10 years ago in hs/college). Like all but 2 of my pvp set came from PvE. I'm doing freaking alt raids with my guild to get gear because queuing in the 1900 bracket is dropping lfr quality gear.
Thnx for all the feed back guys but PVP is just a mini game and we can't dedicate any of our Resources to it but please keep paying yours Subs!
PvP isn't a lot of fun if you're a below average player there, or if your faction is not doing well. And with no gearing, there's no reason to PvP except for fun. So the bottom players and faction will bleed out, and now there are new players on the bottom not having fun.
Blizzard needs to bribe losing players to stay in PvP to keep it from collapsing.
Really the only PvP I've done this expansion are the lol-towers, and they are only nominally PvP. I think I've gotten just 3 HKs the entire expansion there.
01/10/2018 07:06 PMPosted by
or if your faction is not doing well.
BGs are amazingly fun as Alliance imo. But I like playing the underdog faction
keep in mind we still have a whole Alpha and Beta cycle to go through so please keep the discussion up.
Please make sure that there is little to no communication with the "community" during this next cycle as well.