12/20/2017 02:34 AMPosted by ShiyogasaiI'd rather PvP be completely useless for gearing than another WoD where ashran invalidates all of the PVE content besides heroic and mythic raiding. THAT was completely awful ;/
Ok this is an understandable concern, BUT:
Consider all of the avenues that now exist for gearing a fresh toon. You have M+, argus, world bosses, world quests, caches, etc. The idea that people would be "forced" to do arenas or RBGs to gear a toon now is just dumb. You've got so many other ways to do it that you didn't have in WoD.
You should not have to be 2400+ in order to get m+15 quality rewards. At the very least, m+15 weekly and normal drops should be on par with 2k. 2k still takes way more effort for most people than a m+15 does, but it would be fairer. You should also start with a 930+ for your weekly reward at 0 rating, and then that should start scaling upwards at 1600 rating. Normal arena/rbg drops should start at 915 and scale from there. Absolutely no reason that any rated arena match should drop gear worse than LFR.