PvP gearing is bad and not fun (HELP)

12/17/2017 02:56 PMPosted by Fox
12/17/2017 02:37 PMPosted by Selvarian
lol 300+ likes and no blue post. LeL
I was just looking at that. It's sad just how pathetic they are with the PvP community.

Pathetic think it is about time to retire this mess soon. Lucky to even get your titles/achs without them mucking it up. It is sad to watch pvp die slowly over all these years.
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Honestly, this wow expansion has been the lowest I have ever pvped. There’s no motive to pvp anymore and the prestige rewarding system doesn’t really catch my eye. I miss the honor vendors, I would be able to stick to only pvp if I wanted to, now I have to do raids, and dungeons for said gear. Don’t get me wrong, I’m having fun with the new raids and mythic + content, but I literally just have no reason to rbg and random pvp if 90% of the time I’m getting nothing out of it.
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lol cmon blizz
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I miss pvp.

So few people now that even looking for or creating a group is intimidating. I cant will myself to sign up, let alone have to start again after a loss.

I might be done soon
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It would be nice to get some type of response from Blizzard.
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Was a noob during all of BC. Didnt even hit level cap in the expansion till the week WotLK came out.

When WotLK came out I was level capped in a week and started raiding. Ending up solo healing 10/12 10 man for our guild on a druid. Damn that Treant form was dope. Started playing BGs and found them to be 10x more fun.

Cata comes out and I'm into the Rated arena scene after having to hype myself up to do it and did it with guild members I had played WoW with since BC (and continued to until WoD). Got up to 1800 in 3s which was challenger back then and I was pretty stoked. Landed 1700 or something in RBGs foolin with guildies too.

MoP turns up and I meet alot of new avid PvPers and became heavily involved in purely 3s. Nearly got 2k, was pretty stoked at the time as it was one of the first seasons using voice with 2 others.

WoD. Eh nothing memorable tbh. Alot of people quit. I started playing less. My long time friends started playing less. Ended up losing touch and resorting purely to LFG.

Legion? Lol inspect me.

Letting my sub expire now.
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Why dont they just hire the high rated guys who do Blizzcons/Cast them and are reallt prevalent in the community? Venruki, Cdew, and the whole lot of them? Get like 10 of em. They dont have to terminate their employees now, but flipping have these guys added to their roster to have some extremely practical voices and opinions, since they know the game. That would give us employees of Blizzard who we can trust for caring and trying to help shape PvP.
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Remember when a season started you would be excited every week for a new piece of gear? Bring vendors back.
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Idk what happens since Holinka left but I don't think blizzard has a PvP team anymore guys. #bumperino
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12/19/2017 07:29 AMPosted by Nexius
Remember when a season started you would be excited every week for a new piece of gear? Bring vendors back.

Omg the nostalgia bomb. WTB +20 item levels to every bracket so that I can have something to look forward to and get endgame quality item level from PvP. Hell maybe I will even start using bonus rolls on my weekly arena instead of my pug/alt normal antorus runs.

12/19/2017 08:04 AMPosted by Tahka
Idk what happens since Holinka left but I don't think blizzard has a PvP team anymore guys. #bumperino

I don't think they do either. I think they are just using the meta as it was when he left as a set point and tune back to that after pve changes.
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Look at the op likes. This like never happens here, but it has. Please please PLEASE bring back honor/conquest gear vendors
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I'd rather PvP be completely useless for gearing than another WoD where ashran invalidates all of the PVE content besides heroic and mythic raiding. THAT was completely awful ;/
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With the lack of attention to pvp concerns in this xpac there is no way I'll buy the next xpac.

Been around since vanilla and even the grind for GM back then was more fun than arena, Rated bg's, and random bg's this xpac.

Lfg for pvp is totally toxic. Finding good players on your own server really created a very good and healthy pvp community because if you were an !@# nobody played with you.

As has been said previously rng gearing is a total waste of time and raiding is 100% more efficient at this point and it really gives you nothing to look forward.
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12/20/2017 06:20 AMPosted by Nipsxtra
With the lack of attention to pvp concerns in this xpac there is no way I'll buy the next xpac.

I'm not ready to say that yet. They haven't announced any content. It might be the PvP overhaul we've all been waiting for, or it might not.

The WoW community has just changed so much over the years. This whole MMO is based on a competitive RTS, ffs. In Vanilla people really understood they were playing a war game, and even if they didn't do instanced PvP that often, they still felt like they were a defender of the honorable [faction A] and fighting against the evil [faction b] every step of the way. I don't want to eat memberberries too hard, but people used to drop everything if there was a horde in Menethil or Alliance at XR.

These days, the average WoW player has more interest in carebearing with the opposing faction than in fighting them. Hell, there's a large movement on MMO-champ to just do away with factions entirely so that everyone can carebear in Goldshire together.
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At first glance, it appears that people who enjoy PvP gaming have simply moved on to MOBAs (LoL, DotA, and HotS specifically) or FPS (CS:GO, Overwatch, PUBG).

This seems to indicate that modern PvPers are the type of player to enjoy a short, skill-based experience that doesn't require "pre-work" in order to be competitive. No one would play CS if you had to grind out the guns for weeks/months before you could play. I don't know that this means WoW Arena should be more like a MOBA, but there are definitely some industry-standard features that every other game has that WoW should consider looking at (solo q, better/more rewards, better unranked matchmaking, bot modes, etc).

Instead of dumbing the entire game down to make it less daunting for new players, why not just make it easier and more fun for new players to get a game with other new players? Why isn't there a button to queue an instant, unranked 1v1 against a random player of the other faction in some epic place? Why not have random FFA brawls that you can queue as easily as a group invite? Why can't PvP-curious raiders queue 3s against varying-strength bots?

It's just *so* punishing to try and start WoW Arena compared to every other game. New players can play against bots or in stress-free modes in every other game, but in WoW they queue for their first skirm and get dunked on by a 2100 TWD who is warming up for ranked games.

WoW PvP isn't dead (just see how Melee made such a huge comeback), but it seems directionless. The success of HotS and Overwatch demonstrate that Blizzard know how to make a popular PvP game... they just need to translate it to WoW.
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legion pvp is pure incompetence. PERIOD. and I'm just a stone cold casual filthy af...i couldn't make it up nor imagine how bad i think pvp is rn. even for a filthy casual and no not just cus I'm posting on my outlaw rogue. i main ww and its disgusting how !@#$ pvp is atm. for casual like myself. all around360 degrees pure trash garbage. its like pve devs conspired and went above and beyond the call of duty to ruin pvp this entire expansion. INCOMPETENCE. sorry but not sorry. there my 15 doll hairs a month worth of 2 cents.
now all i do is push r1 with the auction house. that's how i pvp these days.
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12/20/2017 06:58 AMPosted by Meleelock
The success of HotS and Overwatch demonstrate that Blizzard know how to make a popular PvP game... they just need to translate it to WoW.

Do you mean to remove the core of what is MMO is all about lots of spells, specs, variations and strats ?

Wow is probably last for moment surviving MMO with the biggest PVP in any mmo.

Most of us like WOW due to its complexity compared to other games. If you really want to learn PVP just que anything and learn like all of us did and stop complaining asking for bots to beat. If you want bots play LOL.
12/20/2017 07:30 AMPosted by Demigoat
12/20/2017 06:58 AMPosted by Meleelock
The success of HotS and Overwatch demonstrate that Blizzard know how to make a popular PvP game... they just need to translate it to WoW.

Do you mean to remove the core of what is MMO is all about lots of spells, specs, variations and strats ?

Wow is probably last for moment surviving MMO with the biggest PVP in any mmo.

Most of us like WOW due to its complexity compared to other games. If you really want to learn PVP just que anything and learn like all of us did and stop complaining asking for bots to beat. If you want bots play LOL.

This is just a completely asinine post, and kind of what make the Arena forums so terrible. Did you even read my post? I've been playing since Vanilla, I'm not the one you need to randomly attack. Further, you're saying new players should just go play another game -- that's literally what is killing the community.
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