PvP gearing is a barrier to entry

Ret paladin being overtuned =/= gear disparity.

Also, bgs =/= rated arena.

Further, why do you post on like 3-4 different characters?

I promise your rating has nothing to do with the gear you equip.

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I have 2 different devices and am too lazy to change them back.

And Lol.


Must have nothing to do with the holy priest with 950k hp was fighting 1.5m hp players?

What are ya’ll even doing but trolling at this point.

Quite possibly.

You seem confused on what class you’re fighting.

And what about the other 19 players in the kotmogu? How many of them were over/undergeared? Because it sounds to me like you’re one of a small minority of players who bully unrated bgs with full conquest gear in a premade.

A really, REALLY good question to ask yourself.

Genuine question, if you’re going to ignore everything else, just answer this:

Do you see how you’re being a hypocrite in this scenario?

Please explain how I am being a hypocrite by saying that players having a disadvantage before the bg gate open is a barrier to entry,

on a thread saying that pvP gearing is a barrier to entry.

I made a mistake here i keep meaning to say 950k holy pally

Because there is no disadvantage when the gear is available to everyone and is completely easily and fairly farmable. Almost every player starts at the exact same spot and is on the exact same level for most of the season.

A small minority of players come in late or play casually in nonrated modes. For the most part, they only interact with other more casual and unrated players.

By your own admission, you fully geared yourself, and went into an unrated game mode (where many things that are “unfair”, such as gliders or saltwater potions & other consumables) to pick on and bully the small minority of latecommers / alt rerollers. And you didn’t do it alone, you did it as a premade. You made something that wasn’t a problem into a problem and cast yourself as the villain and even enlisted help to do it.

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I am the villain in a story I am creating.

My premades tend to be group of 3, ‘the bois’.

Our experience would be made MUCH better if the ilvl floor was honor gear’s scaling [and even better if our rated gear did not make us stronger than other people].

Because GY camping is not why I queu’ed a BG.

I empathize when I 3-tap players cause I know how awful of a feeling it is if that happens to me.


You completely missed my point.

I am well aware of the fact that there will be a temporary gear disparity until people are fully geared and on an equal footing, and that some people will enjoy a temporary marginal advantage as a side-effect of this. That’s how WoW has always been - and, yes, that includes the usual thumping in random BGs along the way.

I’m not saying, “Nobody should die in BGs”; rather, I’m pointing out your hypocrisy. You keep saying that the only reason people, like Nas and I, enjoy an end-game PVP gear progression is to stomp on new players/under-geared players when you’re the only one doing it here. You are hard-projecting, my dude. We aren’t the ones spamming random BGs to GY farm people like you and your “Friends” - probably because we actually find it boring, and prefer a greater challenge.

I actually do. I just care about everybodies experience, not just those of a handful of extraordinarily lazy people who want the game to be something that isn’t.

This has been tried in many MMOs. It has always failed.

As Nas already noted, for a lot of people, the end-game PVP gear progression is their end-game. It’s why they play. Once they’re fully geared, they walk away from the game until next season. As it stands, this gear progression is already fast enough; any faster, and it will hurt PVP. None at all would prove disastrous, seeing as a lot of these more casual players - striving to gear up - tend to make up the bottom rung of the rated ladders, effectively bumping other players up.

I didn’t ask.


I doubt that, given the fact that you think the only reason people gear up is to stomp new players/under-geared players - like you do, apparently. Grow a sac, queue rated, and let the new players/under-geared players have fun in random BGs without you and “The bois” rolling them.

What’s confusing?! Literally everything you just described after it lol. A million ingredients that you have to get from places that aren’t PvP.

Xaryu had his chat walk him through the process and I had to read a lengthy external explanation. None of its simple. Now just imagine a new player or returning one :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Yet he still made the mistake. And AWC player. Yet again, think about a new or returning player. When I came back in df I didn’t even know that vendor existed. Let alone make sure to buy the PvP one.

You seem to forget you play an enormous amount, a mythic level raider for a long time. Sure it’s easy to you :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: seriously dude, try and expand your point of view past your own.


Hi… casual player here. :wave:

If I can figure it out, why can’t you?

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Because this isnt call of duty and people enjoy gearing and the grind.

gearing in arenas is a barrier to entry that just needs to be removed,

again you’d see alot more variety in 2s/3s if people could hop from class to class.

trust me having a new player keybind 40+ spells and needing 3rd party addons is already enough of a barrier to entry

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More like an even higher concentration of the overtuned specs.

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still makes it easier for people to bail on an overtuned spec they may not enjoy and find something else,

you dont actually know that will happen, thats just theory/conjecture

if someone wants to fotm reroll something they’re not good at w/e free pts for me

PvE might be suited better for you then

I guess I don’t find any of this confusing or hard to navigate.

You can search for the item, you can filter by armor type, it tells you the ilvl range right next to the item, it all feels very intuitive.

When you pick what you want to craft, you see the mats. And get them off the AH. There’s a box to check for that to track them also.

If you want to customize the weapon, you can increase it’s pve/pvp ilvl in one box, select its stats in another box, and add an embelishment in the 3rd box; ALL of which are viewable.

Further, this is explained all in-game with two different quest chains, npcs available surrounding the crafting orders that answer questions and explain what to do, and in-game help tutorials.

Yeah, and xaryu didn’t read any of the quest or in-game text. He just right clicked the npc and said, “I’ve never seen this before, what do I do?” Did you read any of the in-game information?? Or just take a few minutes to interface with the system to try and understand it?

Sure, and there was also an in-game warning about making sure to buy the right one that flat out said theh had different stats and ilevels. You can put all the information in the world out there, you can warn players about making the wrong decisions, but if people don’t want to read, you can’t make any design change that would give them what they want without removing their agency.

I do play a lot and that’s not lost on me! That being said, I’m not just basing my opinion off my own perception. I have a lot of new/returning friends and family that don’t have any difficulties navigating the system.

The only real question I ever get is, “what embelishment is the best and do I need to worry about it?”

No offense to you or xaryu or absterge or anyone who gets confused by the crafting system, because clearly you are not all alone, but I have yet to see anyone actually read what to do (in or out of game) & interact with the system and stay confused.

I know that people always gravitate towards the more favorably tuned specs and if we go from few barriers to zero then obviously the only deterrent is setting up binds/ui. :dracthyr_love_animated: Gearing is a nice little buffer and if anything it should take longer for the last ≈5% or so.

Its an mmo. Gearing is a part of it. Maybe COD or any of those “hop in and go” games are better suited for you, because the amount of you whining pales in comparison to those of us who dont need immediate gratification.

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Yea you and I just aren’t gonna convince each other