Can you convert crafted pvp gear to set pieces? or is it like it was in Dragonflight where it has to be a conquest piece to convert it rather than using crafted pieces?
I’m only asking because google is not really confirming for me if its able to be done or not.
Also there seems to be a quest you have to complete to purchase a weapon?
Crafted gear cannot be converted into tier.
There is an achievement that awards you a weapon token after a certain amount of conquest earned.
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Thank you! that helps a ton!
Yeh. Crafted gear can’t be catalyzed.
Conquest gear can but only helm/shoulders/chest/legs/gloves can give a set bonus, but they also use the PvE set item’s stats just with PvP ilvl scaling.
Also most set bonuses have diminished effects in PvP.
Yes im aware of this, from what I knew however thats generally still the go to, unless that changed this expansion.
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Just to add to this, I believe you actually get TWO Tokens. I think at 2500 Conq?
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Yeah, is two tokens but is for mh/oh for 1 each or 2h being 2.
Fury Warrior can get two 2hs but that’s just because they operate as mh/oh for them.
just to add to the previous comment generally what I do is I’ll buy a tier set without putting it on so I can go to the tier set station, from there ill see what it upgrades too, then refund it, and repeat that until I find one closest to the pvp stats I want. Regardless if its hands with the best or not if it had what I’m looking for it would 100% become one of my tier sets because then I could just craft the 5th piece that’s the worst to the most viable piece.
if that made sense. I hope it did.
but generally you want chest or legs to be apart of what you crafted for survivability. (Chest, legs would have the most Vers)
I got you, though I think might be able to save you some time the next time you are in spiderland to go to the vendors that sell the set pieces for the curios so you could just see the stat Distribution on all of them without running back and forth to put together a wish list of which ones you want and which ones you don’t rather than running back and forth between the vendor and the catalyst.
I’m not sure of the most effective use of crafted gear for PVP though, I just used the free Conquest crafted items on jewelry to maximize crit and versatility early well just using Conquest for everything else.
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You can go into your appearances tab and link the items out of the uncollected sets page. This will also work for the tier items that dont offer set bonuses like wrist and belt.
Oh, if that works is better than my method
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You can even swap the class you’re displaying sets for and check other ones.
It’s very useful in raid when something drops and someone wants to see what it will catalyst to before putting in a roll or saying they need.
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There is also a tab for sets+bonuses in the adventure journal (shift+J)
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I don’t think this is accurate.
I got the 2H mace for xmog … and I also got a shield for xmog.
So… I think EVERYTHING is just 1 token. As you mention (for Fury), this means they don’t have to make special rules for Fury … they just make everything cost 1 token, give everyone 2 tokens, and everyone can buy what they want.
This is the blue post about it:
ahhhh!!! So it’s not a “Fury” thing… but a “Warrior” thing!
So actually… I cheesed the system. Since I got a 2H weapon for 1 Token, and I got an xmog item “for free.” 
Finally, Arms is good for something. 
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