Yea sounds a lot like what makes this game bad.
yes, this is another option, and I would be open to discussion on this.
Balance is bad.
I hope more people are noticing her willful ignorance.
This is exactly what they do at max level and could work.
If it could work, why would you keep bringing up imbalances at max level?
If it doesn’t work at max, why would it work below max?
It’s ignorant that I’d actually rather get down to what the problems are at lower level BGs?
It does work at max, but there will always be some lopsided matches. At max, as a fresh 120 you can keep up with damage with support of your team, even against the higher ilvl players
to do that you need to have an open mind, and be capable of understanding what others are saying. Acknowledging that others might have a point sometimes. We have said we do not hate twinks.
It’s ignorant that damning evidence to what exactly that is has been shown to you time and again and you deflect it.
Which is exactly why I started leveling through BGs.
I acknowledged it but it’s also not the only problems with low level BGs. There has never been a discussion other than “remove twinks” Now there is a good solution that I haven’t seen before so let’s work from that.
well we can work on it, lets make a new thread on it, because it deserves its own thread, instead of hijacking this one.
You, in fact, did not acknowledge it. You’ve likened twinking gear to heirlooms within the hour. But I’m willing to let bygones be bygones if you stand your ground and continue from now on to acknowledge that is not the case, as you appear to say here.
Now, onto the other matter. By separating queues, you’re not calling for twinks to be “removed”, you’re calling for them to be placed back into their own environment where they can leisurely compete with one another.
And yes, twinks’ll have longer queue times. And yes, that is a shame. However, it is the far lesser evil of the matter. Dedicated twinks would maintain an environment for themselves without levellers if they were truly dedicated to do so without the incentive on stomping on defenceless players.
I would rather they scale damage, as was suggested, than splitting the playerbase. There’s already not a ton of people who do pvp as it is. I’d prefer not having longer queues for anyone… that’s just me though. But, if we were to actually separate anyone, it should be those new players (which is why I brought up honor brackets like they do at max level)
Flexing the fact you’re a quantity > quality guy is pretty weird.
Uh, did you actually read that quote? I think you missed a part.
If anything he was flexing that he has both quality and quantity.
I get devoured at max level. I did say I’m not a very good pvper, something a lot of people can’t actually admit.
Now here’s where I have to confess a lack of knowledge on the circumstances. I spent a lot of Legion in hospital and dealing with weird health matters, but didn’t they do that then? It seemed a lot of people didn’t care for it, though. I remember someone saying it’s because of how they streamlined stat distribution or something. Was there anything else people disliked about it? Asking genuinely, I wasn’t around much.
Nope, they normalized stats (templates) This would allow stats to matter again, but damage is scaled on the backend. And, hope you feel better now.