PVP from a twink players perspective, & my solution to fixing it

https://imgur.com/a/003HbLa Here is my next game. Now this Warrior was in my BG last night which we won easy, no contest. What changed? He’s also got a few heirlooms still on, but looks in the process of twinking. We were winning this BG until my team stopped focusing on carts.

I’ve been denied a few games that I thought I could carry, but in my experience 1 or 2 twinks will more often than not carry a 10 man BG even with horrid teammates if there are no enemy twinks. I wouldn’t say anywhere near 50/50, more like 80/20 odds honestly. There are also BGs where I have all the acheivs and don’t particularly care to win.

I think at 60 I have a lot more “oh sht” 1shot moves/items that I can throw around to shut down an enemy objective from taking place if I really need to and have a bigger impact to win games, even as a single twink.

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Just hit 44, I’ll be to that bracket within a week maybe.

Guess it depends what BG.

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We have been hoping for the adjustment to Untamed for years now.
Some players choose to use raw stats and ilvl over the proc weapons anyway.
Jom and Untamed are some of the last Vanilla items which have actually held their power. Sulf is pretty much outclassed from Vanilla scaled greens, it is nice to see some old items retain the “mystique”.
It almost like the Blizzard “old guard” keep these Epic Vanilla items the way they were on purpose, for nostalgia. :thinking:

I made my own thread for discussing the idea I had if anybody is interested since it’s different than the one in this thread.

The problem with splitting is an already low playerbase due to being low level and 11 different brackets.


If you’re referring to my suggestion, read it over again. There wouldn’t be a “split” persay. Everybody can participate in either mode. The difference would be how gear and character level is treated in those modes. There would be no segregation of on/off xp players in either.

Blizz in all their infinite wisdom actually buffed untamed in BfA lol, both by virtue of lowering overall strength contributions from other items but literally buffing the strength granted from the proc. I feel pigeon-holed into using them at times, I typically prefer static stats & would even deny the power of Jom just because I didn’t like waiting for the build up, but I feel like grade-A dope not to use a 200+ strength proc. Once it’s nerfed I’ll be free :pray:

How it’s lasted for so many years is beyond me

Saying “either mode” is a split. You are literally taking all players and making them choose one or the other. What happens to those who play odd hours and are down even more players?

I suppose the same thing that happens already. Long queue times. But the likely outcome would actually be shorter queue times for casual mode since more people would be willing to play in them without having to worry about getting roflstomped by people using better gear than them, and the incentive for competitive players would be to find new talent.

So in the end, it’s xp off queues in a different bracket? I’d rather they keep all players together and deal with balancing gear.

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This would be the best. It just seems that when they fix something they turn around and break two other items lol

Not necessarily. Like I said, they would still be able to play casual mode, and the incentive there would be in finding new talent to recruit and bring into their fold so they can have a better competitive team, thus creating more players for the competitive mode.

All in all, this solution would be much easier than balancing gear. Balancing gear would not just affect the battlegrounds, but the whole of the game as well, and thus those considerations must also be taken into account, whereas creating two different modes for BG wouldn’t.

Gear is already mostly balanced, there are just handfuls of items and enchants that need to be fixed. That’s far easier and less inclusive than enabling entirely new systems. I was saying earlier that separating brackets would be an immediate relief for the common twink griefing that occurs, but an overall healthier fix would be the idea of actually balanced items. Blizz is honestly really close, they just leave a few REALLY strong things and then make us wait ages for a fix.

In that case you’d be bringing twink players down to the level of most casual players by nerfing their gear, no? I’m not currently a twink player myself (I used to back in BC), and I have no love loss for twink players because I’ve had plenty of evenings ruined by them, but wouldn’t that cause a lot of unrest in the twink player community?

I mean sure, I understand what you’re suggesting, but consider the consequences of either direction we’re talking here.

If Blizzard does it your way, then Twinks are irreversibly nerfed… they would still have enough of a substantial edge over casual players that they would be difficult to deal with, but there’s no way twinks aren’t going to be upset by this, and casuals will probably still complain that it was a half-measure.

If Blizzard does it my way, then twink players may still be upset, but they would have less of a right to be, and casual players would have a much better time dealing with them in casual mode. Should casuals dare enter the gauntlet and try out competitive mode, they would be able to fully appreciate how outclassed they are, but at least have an alternative.

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The strongest argument I think though, is that my suggestion offers Blizzard something out of this aside from merely trying to please everybody, and that’s the one thing that always speaks loudest.


I have several characters in use, which all have to make the decision.
Typhoon is nice, but statistically outclassed by BC greens, AQ 2h Axe was adjusted early due to end game use, same as Blackblade.
The new players who enter the bracket are usually 60s+ in BFA, so the Gem weapons/armor are arguably the best option once available.
Although BOAs 60+ have the increased ilvls bonus which makes them a more realistic choice.

Some fine work has been done. :ok_hand:

“things” Be specific? What would you like to see adjusted?

How? Queue times go down for both brackets and then what?

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Already being addressed that I know of: Elemental force, the various proc weapons that replaced Sul’Thraze, and Rammsteins.

Things that I don’t know have made the cut yet: full value on low level crusader and landslide procs, untamed blade, the damage on engi belt bomb, versatility values on low levels, and whatever the hell scaling conversion that resto druids get to convert their intellect into cat damage via feral affinity and master shapeshifter. 69 resto druids kill people faster than Untamed procs. Oh, and idk what blizzard was smoking to enable gear and also still have saltwater potions. Idk how i feel about those.

I think if everything listed above got reduced we’d still be able to min/max our way to RPG fantasy heaven without being broken. The only pressing issue remaining would be premades, which is just RNG so to speak.