PVP from a twink players perspective, & my solution to fixing it

I respect that, but I’ve previously been baited into derailing threads before. I just don’t have interest in doing that nor repeating arguments I’ve made probably about a dozen times now.

If that comes off as rude I apologize, It’s just getting tiresome.


81 characters, twinking ‘for 13 years’ and just snagged up that 50k achievement.

Seems more like you spend your time farming gear than actually playing the toons. Maybe let the people that actually play comment on the state of PvP? I do agree on some points though, farming people with no gear isn’t entertaining and I do miss the twink v twink games. I really don’t see the need to separate the brackets though, having level’d a few toons to 70/80+ recently I’ve only run into one game where I was actually graveyard farmed =/


To be fair, I edited my post. He does have the 250k on a second account.

If it’s on the same battle.net account it’ll show on both, so. Not sure why you wouldn’t have them on the same account. But I did poke on XPOFF and see that he has it on one of his alts.

Going back to my original post, most of his twinks have < 1k HKs with 2-3 at ~3k and 1 ( one ) at 12k. Pretty sure he levels them to collect as he pointed out and not actually play.

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I mean he did say his group still wargames every week. No one is stopping that. But for the solo twink who queues now and then, they shouldn’t have to wargame just to do Bgs. The amount of twinks are grossly exaggerated as we can tell by the OP being excited about a whole 18 twinks online during prime time. What about a couple hours from now?



Spend less time on Wowhead, use these comparison tools.

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they have derailed most of the threads by off topic banter and basic trolling, nothing different here. They try to make this thread theirs by changing the narrative. They do this because they do not want a solution, they want there slaughterhouse. Just ignore them and keep making new posts, you will see they follow along and spew the same drivel in each one.

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This is quite the popular word in 2019.
Would you mind sharing what your rendition of this word is for our conversation?

What specifically do you mean by this “drivel”?

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So I decided to test out your statement. I logged on my 79 disc and noted the int in my twink set then created all the heirlooms I could and equipped them. I must say, not even close to 200 int difference.

Now, I will say that I haven’t played any of my 79’s since BfA but they are in gemmed gear.

Twink set - 654 intellect. gemmed and enchanted.

heirloom set - 575 intellect. no enchants on any piece of gear

That’s 79 intellect, difference would be a lot closer if I took the time for enchants. a far cry from 200 as you stated. My guess is that you are wanting to compare a level 70 geared in heirlooms vs a 79 twink. That in itself is a bad comparison but that’s the only way I see a 200 intellect difference. My uncompleted mage is 71 so I did the same with her.

71 mage with heirlooms - 444 intellect no enchants.

You’re being very misleading in your claim but again it fits your narrative.


I am against separating XP off into a different queue, my and many others subscription will be lost. It is a bad business decision for Blizzard, why will people buy level up tokens if they get a free no effort mode of grinding out xp? Because that is what will be left, it won’t be pvp, it will be people just there for easy free xp with no effort into having to gear up to earn wins. They probably will start doing fake matches where they can all afk then trade captures and trade wins and whatnot. I have been in other MMOs where fake “PVP” happens where people do this just to get easy xp.

Also the current rates of xp gain and xp being added to battlegrounds happened with the experience eliminator being added because many of us believe leveling will be way too fast otherwise. I want xp gain reverted to vanilla levels for all or at least a way to toggle all the xp buffs added since vanilla off so I can pvp with XP-on characters and have them remain in the brackets long enough to use gear farmed from dungeons. Players should not be forced to level up at the current rate, it is way too fast to develop your character and only was made this fast to make players that want to zoom through the lower levels happy, players who are not interested in doing much low level pvp for very long.

Given the reception of BFA, I doubt Blizz will risk alienating the low level community and all its subscribers just to further appease levelers when so much has already been done to let them zoom past us if they choose.


Seems he’s actually switched all of his gems out, 5/5 crit/int gems instead of just straight 6 int. He’s lost about 28 int from doing that.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I was 78 or 79 at the time. No comparison of a lvl 70 as you accuse.

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I’d say that’s more the exception. Most players have been in heirlooms while I’ve been leveling. And doing crazy dmg/kills just like that.

off topic derailing. Thats what I mean. Repeatedly saying the same thing over and over again. Not in tangent with the op, which he wanted to discuss his idea. You guys are trolling.

No, he didn’t want to actually discuss.


How are we trolling?
False claims from a questionable source are apparent, so of course there will be conversation.


That’s part of the problem for me. I think his damage is lower than what I would expect.


Gear is the issue brought up non stop.

RL stories and claiming PvP is bullying is the trolling.


Always the solid indicator of online debate, defeat.
Some of these are so well documented within these threads it is questionable.

I don’t think it’s as much an issue of gear honestly as it is an issue of bracket structure.

See my response earlier for that.

That’s what the other dozen threads are about. Normalizing gear won’t affect skill.