PVP from a twink players perspective, & my solution to fixing it

Well, I mean… that’s impossible to do anyway. Some players are better than others. That’s not the discussion, nor should it ever be.

But the cream will rise to the top when you normalize gear in the casual brackets. Like I said in my response, when you start having a competitive bracket for twink players, and a gear normalized casual bracket, it isn’t hard to imagine that hardcore twink guilds will scout out players who dominate in that environment and try to recruit them to see what they can do with some gear if they don’t already have it.

He certainly speaks as though he does.
I have often suspected he might be Ion.
No sarcasm, I have truly thought he certainly might be, or an least a paid shill as they do have those.
They used to hire people off of Odesk all the time, so it’s possible.

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Are you talking about me? Nik was asking me a question I see.

My sleep schedule is all screwed up right now, dang insomnia.

As if low level pvp had ever been a concern lol. They attempted to make everyone happy with the legion templates then realised, who cares, let them be at each others throats.

They win at the end either way. The elites will continue to pay their subs to faceroll levelers and the frustrated levelers will buy boosts. Each boost bought equals 2 months of sub time. 10 people cancel sub and 5 more buy boosts. They are still getting their money :money_mouth_face:

I am all for the xp off/on separation. Let the leveling try hards handle the bot and afk filled battlegrounds while the twink community come together and actually pvp. I am not one for farming undergeared or inexperienced players, it’s boring and at the end of the day hurts the overall atmosphere of the game (just look at the forums). All of the counter arguments I’ve seen so far to separating the xp off/on players fall short of validating why keeping them together is in the best interest for the game as a whole. Pandering to the idea that twinks destroying levelers makes The game more money is going to end up destroying low lvl pvp entirely as people will eventually stop queuing or unsub, leaving the twinks to them selves anyways…


I hate to reply to my own post, but something which you could also see come out of that kind of arrangement is competitive BG turning into an online e-Sport much like Arenas are already. In my (humble) opinion, I think they would be MUCH more interesting anyway since a lot more teamwork and coordination is going on with teams of potentially 10-20 players each. I doubt BG’s like AV will ever see that sort of play, which is a shame, but the fact is that it’s much to big to really be put to use.

Like I said in my response earlier, separating xp on/off (that is, twink and average players) wouldn’t be necessary if they focused on the brackets themselves rather than the players, or the gear.

There’s an obvious solution here.

What do you mean?

You mean like 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 etc?

No it won’t, some levelers will quit or pvp less or complain on the forums, most suck it up and still pvp knowing that sometimes they will be on the side with more twinks and get the win, and some will do what I and many others did, become twinks. I had my leveling alts stomped and camped numerous times, instead of complaining I got competitive, it doesn’t take a lot of money or as much time as gearing out a 120.

It will not stop the farming of undergeared players, people will just keep making and deleting alts and its easy enough to farm levelers with enchanted heirlooms, up to date gear, optimized stats, and FOTM class. It might be even easier without fully geared twinks to stop us.

you are not talking about the op, you are derailing again and switching the topics. Derailing the thread just like you did the other 20.

Historically in the same settings, we always have dominated Xpon.
The reroll subculture is unhealthy, but when no queues pop…
FOTM QTs come out.

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The OP didn’t really want a discussion.

I mean that there should be two BG brackets; Casual and Competitive.

They’re still broken up by level in the same way generally.

In the casual bracket, everybody has the same character and item level. It’s an even playing field. Gear would be a non-issue, and it would be all up to player skill. You go in at level 61 in the 60-69 bracket and you’re lvl 69 with a set value on gear level. You go in at lvl 69 with the best of the best gear, and you’re lvl 69 with the same set value on gear level as the other guy.

In the competitive bracket it’s just the opposite. You go in with what you’ve got. Player and Item level are what they are. You go in at lvl 61 with greens for the 60-69 bracket and you WILL get annihilated. But you go in at level 69 with the best of the best and you’re going to be doing really well.

The incentive go to into the competitive bracket will be increased reward for increased danger. Greater amounts of honor, better gear, and for xp unlocked players, increased experience.

Somebody suggested tokens for buying special BG gear, which isn’t a bad idea either.

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I am sure he did, on his topic. It was a well written post. He explained his idea. You on the other hand are just repeating yourselves ad nausea the same drivel you have spammed over the last 20 threads. I swear you just copy and paste now.

Oh please, it wasn’t a new idea. In a nutshell it was “move xp off twinks to their own queue.”

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do me a favor and just stop. You are really just trolling.

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Have you seen the exact same constant threads you people have been making?


And you do the same as well

Sorry if it comes off that way, I’m not even trolling. Giving my own experiences while leveling.

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this op was discussing his idea, and you guys bring it back to the same ol topics, it gets old. If you cant discuss the topic of the op just stay out. I am ready to submit a ticket on this for your guys spam